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SavvyExploring t1_j12abyv wrote

I wonder if it is more a lack of proper equipment or there failure to pull over and put chains on when conditions warrant it?

We helped get a capable SUV with summer tires on out of the ditch just a couple of weeks ago. They said they had chains, but even after we got them out they didn't install them.

For people who don't have them, think it would help if there were convenient shops where you could rent them and a sign to "turn of here" if you don't have them? I know that has its own complications since so many vehicles are restricted to cables or socks.


revilo825 OP t1_j12g1kb wrote

I should start by saying, when I’m referencing chains, I’m also referring to cables as well(they are included in the law when referencing chains).

That is annoying that they still proceeded to drive without them. I know it can be intimidating to install chains for the first time, but even then, I’m pretty sure there are people in the chain off area that will install them for you for like $20.

And when chains are required, they generally have signs pretty far out telling you, so at that point common sense should come into play. But asking for common sense is where hope is lost I guess 😂


SavvyExploring t1_j12hr49 wrote

Sadly so!

Interesting, I've never seen the people who will install them for you, but I guess I usually avoid the busy hours. That is a cool service!


Wellcraft19 t1_j163cx3 wrote

It’s a lack of common sense, stemming from the fact that people don’t get a chance to practice - and build up a healthy respect for winter driving - when younger. Then add to that all ever more potent cars combined with modern gimmickry that’s supposed to ‘solve all problems’. Add to that, safety equipment such as winter - even studded - tires are used to increase speed. Not safety. In the winter, high horsepower is often your worst enemy (but sure can be fun when out doing loops on a lake).