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Asturon t1_j16brmk wrote

The thing is, there is "SUPPOSED" to be a separation of church and state in the US. And when the govt imposes rules based on religious ideology, you HAVE to fight back. The abortion and the marriage equality issues recently demonstrate this clearly.

So, while they continue to put up religious idols at govt buildings, there should absolutely be opposing material available. I'm particularly a fan of the baby baphomet from the Satanic Temple.

The atheists aren't the ones imposing their views FROM the seat of government. A display does not force you to do anything


SereneDreams03 t1_j16cckj wrote

I don't disagree, and yeah, I love a lot of the stuff the satanic temple does, I'm just saying specifically I don't like the freedom from religion commercials. Like I said, they seem to do good work, it's just their marketing that rubs me the wrong way.


yisoonshin t1_j18l2l0 wrote

I haven't seen them before this but based on this one sign they come off very pretentious. I think it'd be better if they just kept it focused on logical arguments about the main issue, ie keep religion out of government. Instead it feels like they're "proselytizing" atheism, if you know what I mean. And at a time when people just want to celebrate, take a break and just have fun with family and friends.


Pwillyams1 t1_j18vtg9 wrote

How many contradictions can you fit into one post?
