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boing757 t1_j2tane5 wrote

Can't wait for the network talking heads pronounce 'Puyallup'.


Fuduzan t1_j2tqnwe wrote

They're definitely going to poo y'all up.


Never-On-Reddit t1_j2ua82i wrote

The Lushootseed pronunciation is actually something closer to Poo-ALL-up.


Fuduzan t1_j2uidc5 wrote

Even in r/washington it's kinda wild to see someone familiar with Lushootseed


Never-On-Reddit t1_j2ujx32 wrote

I don't know much Lushootseed, but I happen to work as a linguist and someone I know used to teach it at the UofO!


Fuduzan t1_j2ul36d wrote

I'm only passingly familiar myself from a project with the Tulalip Tribe admin many years ago. Good to hear of folks working to keep the language alive!


reroboto t1_j2tnpgn wrote

“The two men were known to authorities, and had been under FBI surveillance for more than a month in late 2021 and early 2022, FBI special agent Mark Tucher said in an affidavit filed in federal court on Tuesday. The agent did not give reasons for that surveillance, but Tucher described himself in the affidavit as an expert in domestic terrorism assigned to the FBI Seattle division's joint terrorism task force.” From Reuters


captianbob t1_j2u7uxg wrote

And it still happened. How useless of them.


LiveAndDie t1_j2u8k1p wrote

You can't arrest someone for a crime they haven't committed. That's the cost of not living in a police state.


KevinCarbonara t1_j2uee2s wrote

> You can't arrest someone for a crime they haven't committed.

Well... yes, you can. That's why there are charges for things like "attempted murder" or "criminal conspiracy". I don't know why you think it's impossible to criminalize planning crimes, but we already have done precisely that.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2u9ie0 wrote

Those two didn't go a month without committing a crime. It just wasn't the ones the feds wanted.


captianbob t1_j2u8u1x wrote

No but you can alert local authorities of suspicious behavior etc


LiveAndDie t1_j2u98w5 wrote

Which is why they were under surveillance...


captianbob t1_j2u9mao wrote

So they watched them commit the crime, them let them go home, then arrested them? Is that what you're saying?

I'm saying, if they're were under surveillance from someone that deals with terrorism and thet were still able to commit this from... Then what help was the surveillance?

Edit: nevermind I read it as they were still under surveillance. My bad.


reddit_eats_tidepods t1_j2xeuyh wrote

I love reddit so much. You can misread something, admit and apologize for your mistake and even have your apology down voted. Lol


foundnotes t1_j2tf6dg wrote

Its not vandalism, its domestic terrorism.


smegdawg t1_j2xy7j2 wrote

>FBI special agent Mark Tucher... Tucher described himself in the affidavit as an expert in domestic terrorism assigned to the FBI Seattle division's joint terrorism task force.


Theotar t1_j2ta6qs wrote

Attacking 4 different power stations does not add up for stealing register money.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2u9nv9 wrote

Wanna bet the local business was Marijuana related?


De_Roche22 t1_j2w1fbx wrote

You know, I feel like there's less complicated ways to rob a pot shop that don't involve potentially catching a domestic terrorism charge.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2w74y8 wrote

Those thoughts are probably why you are committing federal weapons violations that will put you in prison for at least a decade too. I don't know what was going on in their minds, if anything, and I don't want to know.


Extension-Stable-487 t1_j2x9bqc wrote

>domestic terrorism charge.

There's no such thing.


Extension-Stable-487 t1_j2xciox wrote

Ok? There's still no domestic terrorism charge.


VinkiVinks t1_j2yol62 wrote

Yeah but there could be. Let's hope they find enough evidence to add that charge there if it was.


Extension-Stable-487 t1_j2ysxcu wrote

No, there couldn't be. That's not a charge. No one gets charged with domestic terrorism, that's not a thing.


VinkiVinks t1_j2ywyx3 wrote

I see what you're saying now. It's not a specific charge bc domestic terrorism is to broad of a term and can umbrella several different crimes but it's still a type of crime that can be investigated for more specific charges.

They attacked a grid which is seen as domestic terrorism as it affects thousands of people. So since it's not an actual charge we are free to just call them domestic terrorists. Lol


Extension-Stable-487 t1_j2z9dy7 wrote

Yeah exactly. They very well may be domestic terrorists. They can be charged with plenty, it's just the US doesn't have that legal criminal charge.


De_Roche22 t1_j2z6lm3 wrote

Really? You're gonna be that pedantic about it?


Extension-Stable-487 t1_j2z7ep4 wrote

It's not pedantry, there's just no domestic terrorism charge. It's like if someone claimed there's a charge for murder in the 147th degree. Pointing out that no such thing exists and it's not a criminal charge is not pedantic.


De_Roche22 t1_j2z8jov wrote

Nah, it's pretty goddamn pedantic.

Existence of a domestic terrorism charge or not, they're still catching federal charges for damaging four separate power substations, alleged in some weird plan to rob a business's cash register.

The point is there are way easier methods for robbing a cash register that don't involve a FBI investigation and federal charges.


Extension-Stable-487 t1_j2z94ln wrote

>Nah, it's pretty goddamn pedantic.

The conversation is "they're going to be charged with domestic terrorism," "no they won't, that's not a charge," "you're being pedantic." Frankly, it's pretty clear you don't know what "pedantic" means lol.

>Existence of a domestic terrorism charge or not, they're still catching federal charges for damaging four separate power substations, alleged in some weird plan to rob a business's cash register.

Yes? That has nothing to do with what I said. Idk what you think you're doing here.

>The point is there are way easier methods for robbing a cash register that don't involve a FBI investigation and federal charges.

Ok? Like yeah that's true, it's just irrelevant here. Some people are misinformed and think domestic terrorism is a criminal charge. Pointing out the fact of the matter is all I was doing. Nothing to get your panties in a twist about.


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2t8zvk wrote

Huh, and they’re from Puyallup and have links to white supremacist groups? Shocking.


GrimFlood t1_j2tor2d wrote

I live in Puyallup and I’m not a white nationalist.


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2tpnxa wrote

Congratulations. Neither am I. But boy I fucking see their patriot-mobiles with all the flags on them more than I’d like to. So I know they’re here.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2ua6fn wrote

Thank you for demonstrating reading what you want to see into a story that isn't actually there.


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2uam6s wrote

Go to their Facebook pages and see they have affiliation with whites supremacist groups. You can read, their names are on the second paragraph. Thanks for demonstrating that you’re incapable of not being a cunt.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2ub6l3 wrote

Link it, Baby. Don't be scared. Screenshots....something? Anything.....or just a "trust me"?


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2uc32j wrote

Lol I went to screen shot and they took his facebook down. Oh well, next time.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2uccjx wrote

I believe you saw it. Just would have been nice to reference it in the original post


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2uco2b wrote

I would say just keep an eye on the case as a whole, that info will slip out somewhere


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2ub979 wrote

Names. In. Article.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2ubrvn wrote

Don't. Use. Facebook. Probably more than one person by these names on there also. Just guessing


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2uc8vt wrote

Nah that was the guy, mugshot matched his profile picture. Wannabe stone cold Steve Austin lookin type that was with the “dirty white boys” or whatever


Jetlaggedz8 t1_j2ta5v3 wrote

Where does it say that?

"According to the complaint, Greenwood told investigators after his arrest that the two knocked out power so they could burglarize a business and steal from the cash register. The business was not identified in the complaint."

The motive appears to be burglary.


Seraphynas t1_j2tcscl wrote

The article also said:

> the first and fourth attacks were separated by over twelve hours

Seems they had plenty of time to go burglarize, but instead came back to attack another power station.


solreaper t1_j2tstvm wrote

Maybe the first one didn’t knock out power to the business so they went for a second one?


Seraphynas t1_j2tv2f6 wrote

The first 3 attacks happened in a cluster on Christmas morning.

Then the 4th and final attack happened much later that evening.

So they waited all day and then went and attacked another power station?


solreaper t1_j2tw0w4 wrote

I didn’t say they were smart. I really want to know why they waited so long as well.

It doesn’t take that long to confirm you knocked out power.


BaseballGuy2001 t1_j2vpqvv wrote

Their cover story says that. I don’t believe any of this on face value. I want a hearing in court with both sides to present. Then I can judge.


NomadicScribe t1_j2tfqoh wrote


Yeah, sure, just going to slip an electrical substation into my knapsack and sneak away in the night. Hope nobody notices!


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2tcyss wrote

Lol you fucking ass clown, I didn’t say they did it because they’re neo nazis.

They did it AND they’re linked to white supremacy groups while being from Puyallup.

You’re quick fucking jump to that conclusion arent you


Sock_Monkey_King t1_j2tf3ra wrote

Dude chill. I think they were just wondering where the article said anything about white supremacy. Usually that would be mentioned with the motive but it wasn't.


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2tg0ge wrote

Oh I looked up they’re Facebook profiles.


GuardianSock t1_j2tqmet wrote

Got links? I tried and figured they’re the ones in Spanaway and Parkland, but pretty empty to the public.


AdUnfair1643 t1_j2tr4nl wrote

“Matthew Greenwood, 32, and Jeremy Crahan, 40, both of Puyallup, were arrested Saturday and set to appear in U.S. District Court in Tacoma on Tuesday.”


GuardianSock t1_j2u1d7g wrote

Links to the Facebook profiles you found?


cheekabowwow t1_j31coxm wrote

Smoke and mirrors. People in here are bad about making wild claims and not following up. The original story had dozens of people blaming right-wing groups. It reeked of bot manipulation and conspiracy theories.


neuracnu t1_j2tntf6 wrote

“…one suspect told authorities they did it so they could break into a business and steal money, U.S. authorities said Tuesday.”

I’m all for using the correct names for things. If this was truly the intent, I think the crime is Criminal Sabotage.

That said, intent is often difficult to definitively prove.

Jan 19 2023 update: So it sounds like these two had been under surveillance by the FBI by domestic terrorism specialists in 2021-2022. That changes things.


mochamittens t1_j2toror wrote

That story would also be a good way to get lesser charges.


Lch207560 t1_j2tr5bz wrote

I don't know if it is a 'good' way but from the sound of it it's their only way to get lesser charges


Maleficent_1213 t1_j2tr8lb wrote

it's also the plot of a tv show...can't remember which one cause it's been a while.


NathanArizona t1_j2torta wrote

I’d bet with multiple power station attacks it will be fairly easy to prove something beyond conspiracy to burglarize. Dumbasses probably thought they had an airtight story in case they were caught


shitwheresmyjuul t1_j2yg8ov wrote

Risk 30 years to get some cash worth 10 years, probably out on probation in less than a year.


Dr-Satan-PhD t1_j2vdivq wrote

>According to the complaint, Greenwood told investigators after his arrest that the two knocked out power so they could burglarize a business and steal from the cash register. The business was not identified in the complaint.

Bullshit. You don't take out 4 power substations so you can burglarize a single business. There's way more to this than some fucking burglary.


barefootozark t1_j2vjzvp wrote

But that is exactly what they did.

> “While the power was out, after the Graham and South Hill attacks, the two went to a local business, Crahan drilled out a lock, and Greenwood entered to steal from the cash register,” agents wrote in charging documents filed Tuesday in the Western Washington U.S. District Court.

But these low level criminals were also known by the FBI for some time.

These geniuses also carried their cell phone during the crimes to make it easier for the FBI to ID them. Where did idiots like this get the idea that cutting power to substations would be a good idea?

E-isac had warning for December 23rd, so the feds were expecting it. Who showed these two how to known out substations.


suavaleesko t1_j2u24d3 wrote

So they can get a warrant for unknown persons whose phones accessed 4 specific towers?


Pwillyams1 t1_j2uab6s wrote

In the presence of other information, yes. Is that shocking to you?


suavaleesko t1_j2uf8db wrote

Not the fact that they were able to no. I'm just interested in the aspect of whether they had a suspect first then got a warrant for their phones, or if they started with a blanket search of the towers and worked off that list.


Pwillyams1 t1_j2uje0i wrote

That would be interesting for sure. I can't imagine the sophistication of someone doing all this with their phones by their side the whole time. Clearly no super criminals....fortunately.


hitbycars t1_j2xajw7 wrote

There are photos from one of the stations of the two men. If they check pings and find profiles (these guys were under watch so the fed knows what they look like) for guys who look like those two men then that seems pretty straight forward.


suavaleesko t1_j32ogwv wrote

Ahh ok. I watch a lot of true crime, but the tech is always 20 yrs old