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[deleted] t1_j5ynaja wrote



TallGuyGreg13 t1_j5z3lmw wrote

Yeah, I'm from the Tri-Cities, and explaining to people that I'm from "the desert part of Washington" has always gotten so many confused looks.


Tainticle t1_j60fg3z wrote

Not taking aim at you, promise. This is something I've only found recently and it bugs me personally.

'Tri-Cities'. Holy F. 'Tri-Cities' is such an overused thing that if you used that phrase, you absolutely should get confused looks. In the context of the forum, your use of the phrase makes sense, but like a lot of the other comments I definitely have to use extra brain power to figure out where the hell people are talking are talking about.

I just found out my hometown in California is part of a 'Tri-Cities'...thing. In LA county. Does that even count? Then...there's a second Tri-Cities in LA county? This one was bigger...and there's apparently a number of them in California, and a few larger ones out East. I remember one up North near St. Louis or something (this was the first time I'd heard of the phrase, so I assumed it was the first one? I have no clue.)

Nowadays, I think that phrase is just used for gatekeeping. Just tell me the city name or the region name, thx!


TallGuyGreg13 t1_j60gamr wrote

I get what you mean. I'm pretty sure there's only one Tri-Cities, WA. Or, only one that the general population would know. And since this is a Washington subreddit, that's why I threw that out there. But yes, people in Washington generally know that Tri-Cities is a specific place in Southeast Washington.


Quiet-Context_ t1_j61ndz2 wrote

I refuse to say I'm from Seattle. I have friends who say this so they don't have to explain where they're from. It irks me. Also, Seattle isn't the only city in Washington, which is why it annoys me when I say I'm from Washington and people immediately respond with Seattle.