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redhousebythebog t1_j7bsovk wrote

Better drivers. Worcester drivers seem extra special compared to neighboring towns.


orions_cat t1_j7e95gs wrote

I have lived in a few different states and every time I move and someone finds out I'm new to the area they inevitably say, "Welcome to [state]! We have the worst drivers you'll ever see here." This has been said to me in every state, even when I moved back to my home state someone said this to me. And I never really thought the driving was too bad in any of those areas.

I move out here and no one made that comment to me about the drivers. And the drivers/driving around here is by far the worst I've ever experienced in my 35yrs.


lilGouki t1_j88ciwx wrote

Moved here from CA, someone legit tried to hit and run my car that was parked in a parking lot while I was coming out of the store. Then when I stopped them for their information, they acted like it wasn't their fault and maybe I parked wrong when my car was inbetween the lines and right in front of the security camera.


IIRizzII t1_j7dbx86 wrote

Perhaps more monitoring by police to help with the people that constantly speeding on side roads, running red lights, stop signs, almost hitting pedestrians, etc.