
AnteaterEastern2811 t1_jcxknng wrote

Worcester is a very good option and checks all your boxes. City is currently growing very fast and has 12 universities plus commute access to others. Direct flights to/from FLL if you're looking to make a short visit.


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j9o3pqh wrote

Too much of the state pop is centered around Boston. Lots of affordable housing in MA but everything requires driving. Build the infrastructure to make Boston-Worcester-Springfield a connected corridor and it will open up options for people besides leaving the state.


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j88abkp wrote

Buy some duck boots and a good jacket before all else. If you can, rent an Airbnb for a month and use that time to explore neighborhoods and window shop apartments. There is a little bit of everything from city to suburban to rural. It's a city where you can get access to just about anything in under a 20 minute drive.


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j6vi449 wrote

Food scene in Worcester is legit. Vietnamese, East African, Dominican, there's lots to try and new things popping up regularly.

Culture is super vibrant and many universities as well bringing in young people all the time.

Public transport is not that great. Basically bus and commuter rail heading outside Worcester.

Overall city is very friendly and a good variety of different types of housing. I'd visit a couple times to see what areas resonate with you the most.


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j59ls16 wrote

Overall the utility hikes are absolutely brutal. We will struggle to pay ours this season due to the price hike and that's even after doing the MassSave insulation and converting to heat pumps. We're on the City's aggregation which is better than National Grid but still very high.

Already thinking about what I can due to improve the house before next winter......


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j4w68ks wrote

I fly a lot and use BDL, PVD, ORH, and BOS. ORH is super easy/convenient but quite limited on flights. PVD and BDL are easy to get in and out of and have cheaper parking. BOS tons of flights so almost never get stranded, better food options, terminal C security is always super fast.