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t1_j7oio9x wrote

I'm not surprised by any of the answers here, but things are improving, our new Superintendent is really pushing fixing this issue.

There were some big updates/info dump on Feb 4th's school committee meeting (see 's blog here: ) and they are hiring a bunch more paraprofessionals and mental health workers. We definitely have a ways to go but it does seem like things might go decently well in the not too distant future.


t1_j8u20nf wrote

The new superintendent is certainly talking the talk. I REALLY hope the school committee supports her so the district can make the improvements parents and educators are clamoring for.

OP - I have a kid in WPS. He has ADHD and has friends who are autistic. If you choose WPS you will get plenty of services IF you are a good advocate and you choose the right school (some are better than others). Lining up a solid treatment team goes a long way to getting the right services and accommodations. And I would recommend that for any district. I have friends in Newton, one of the best districts for SpEd services, who still had to fight for what their autistic kid needed.

An example of WPS progress - Flagg St added a classroom this year that accommodates high needs K and 1st graders, they installed a fence around the playground to minimize elopement risks, and they brought in several paras and a couple teachers specifically for that room.

But WPS still has a lot of room for improvement in general. So hopefully Dr. Monarrez is able to effect some positive changes.


t1_j8u4msc wrote

Have you ever engaged with the supposedly exists (but I can't seem to get in touch with them) Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA) that we federally are legally required to have?