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bootboard t1_j9hg0f7 wrote

Well, I know where I would go. Where I always go! Ralph's, Vincent's, the Cosmo, other cheaper bars. I also lived next to the CVS on Grafton st. So those were close by. Sounds like you guys might liker higher end bars though, which I can't contribute anything to really. There is a cigar bar on Grafton st I haven't checked out yet


Prudent-Humor8890 OP t1_j9hgk5f wrote

Hahaa we are anything but, high end. All of us are working guys who just want to have a good birthday weekend for pretty cheap.


bootboard t1_j9hhhrw wrote

Whatever you do, go to Vincent's first and get a meatball sandwich before ylu start the night. You won't regret it


Prudent-Humor8890 OP t1_j9hiaqf wrote

I was told to go to Vincent’s last year by some coworkers never made it over. Def will check it out thank you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻