
bootboard t1_j9hg0f7 wrote

Well, I know where I would go. Where I always go! Ralph's, Vincent's, the Cosmo, other cheaper bars. I also lived next to the CVS on Grafton st. So those were close by. Sounds like you guys might liker higher end bars though, which I can't contribute anything to really. There is a cigar bar on Grafton st I haven't checked out yet


bootboard t1_j4muket wrote

My therapist told me that my intermittent chest pain was anxiety as well, I was heavily into rock climbing and body building as well. It was like a sharp sudden pain right over my heart on my left pec, so it was quite concerning. Had a stress test done and a 24 hour ekg, they told me that cardiowise i was in excellent shape.

If you drink a lot that can seriously exacerbate the anxiety as well, coffee too. I cut down on both and the pains almost never happen anymore.

You may not have a pcp but you can start making appointments easily enough? Just make sure the doctor accepts your insurance. Start googling and calling around. I just got a new pcp at the sterling branch of st vs


bootboard t1_j0v577y wrote

Dude I'm 30, just bought my first house, and I keep it at 60 24/7. To save money you need to sacrifice some stuff. This has been the norm, and it will always be the norm. Dad always kept the house at 60, his dad would get pissed if someone kept the front door open for too long in the winter.

Your daughter needs to be okay wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, maybe get a throw blanket for when she's on the couch. If you want to wear shorts and t-shirt at home in the winter, you need to accept you'll be paying more for heating.

Do we pay too much? Yes, obviously but that doesn't change the fact that turning the heat down will save you money.