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FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jb5mrsr wrote

You can add Pomodoros to this list. Same style as Frankies without the pretense.


Hucklebut t1_jb61lxq wrote

Pomodoro has great pizza but I don't think it's similar to Frankie's at all.


becomingelle t1_jb7bnm5 wrote

Pomodoros is the best!!! Greek style made by Brazilians


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbjfzfd wrote

If that's Greek style they sure fooled me. It looks like a hand tossed crust to me.


becomingelle t1_jbke59v wrote

I thought it was Greek style, it looks like all the pizza I grew up with but I'm probably wrong.


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbkkc89 wrote

Typically, and I'm pretty sure exclusively, "Greek pizza" is formed in a metal pan. It usually has a bubbly, almost foccacia bread style crust.