Submitted by slum_life_frownface t3_y0fs8x in WorcesterMA

I feel like I woke up in the worst episode of The Sopranos this weekend. Apparently, my Italian-American heritage amounts to nothing more than a reason to enjoy the erasure of the *real* history of Columbus' arrival in the Western Hemisphere and an excuse to disrupt traffic.

I really don't understand why people in this poorly maintained, underdeveloped, post-industrial disaster area of a town feel any kind of pride in anything around them. Maybe if the roads were less of a nightmare and there were actual signs of development to suit the needs of a population of human beings living in the current century, it would be easier to go along with the charade that is the local flavor of stupidity. Unfortunately, that is not the case, and we are still surrounded by badly maintained three-deckers, maintained by the city not for historical value but because nobody feels like spending the money to bring things that people live in up to modern building codes.

Anyway, I think we should cancel the Italian Heritage Festival until the roads are capable of bearing the weight of the dump-trucks and horse-drawn carriages used to ferry people around the congested city.



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Wbcn_1 t1_irrq0ac wrote

Protip: move


Hate_Gatekeeping t1_irs8mld wrote

Ah yes, rural and suburban America. Warm yourself by the burning crosses and freshly used meth pipes.

Diamond-Hard Pass


NativeSon508 t1_irxaz4i wrote

Move out of the country if you hate everything around you so much. Move to Zaire. I hear there’s no Italian festivals to ruin your commute


Hate_Gatekeeping t1_irxcew4 wrote

Wow, you are one triggered melty little snowflake. I bet you arent even from this city. "Native" my ass 🤣


NovelNo87 t1_irt8b44 wrote

Personally don’t care, although I do find it funny how you basically want to throw the entire thing out because you didn’t get what you wanted. I liked the Italian heritage celebration and don’t see how one man from the 15th century should define my heritage. I also celebrated Indigenous peoples day by going to Mohegan Sun and losing a couple hundred bucks lol. You’re either going to be happy or miserable depending on how you look at things. The choice is yours.


slum_life_frownface OP t1_is523ul wrote

congratulations on eating all that bread and having so much fun at the circuses; some of us weren't able to make it to Mohegan Sun or any kind of celebration because of the aforementioned traffic. I could choose to enjoy traffic, I guess, but it's not really a reasonable thing to do. Thanks for being another member of the Worcester community who tells people to just grin and bear it instead of actually advocating for change or expressing opinions! with people like you, no wonder the city council loves itself so much--you silence critics by telling them they're just not enjoying failure properly. Sorry, but it's the 21st century and these are actual problems that impact people's lives. "Choose to be happy instead of choosing to be miserable, you miserable loser!" is one of the worst takes you can possibly have, but it's the only one that is acceptable around here.


rbcarter101 t1_irro2xa wrote

Youre gonna get shit on or lauded as the new king of Worcester depending on the userbase mood this fine Monday.


albalfa t1_irru1ft wrote

That sound you hear is half the userbase scratching their heads and wondering if this means Columbus=Good or not.


NovelNo87 t1_irt7trl wrote

Yeah I’ve gotta say it is interesting. I can’t tell whether the people dropping ethic slurs are anti-Columbus and wanting to just sht on the whole heritage thing or pro-Columbus also shtting on it because they didn’t get what they wanted lol


CoolAbdul t1_irtm1gh wrote

The comments on the Truth About Worcester Facebook page are straight cancer.


sarah1nicole t1_irrxqny wrote

from one italian to another - if u wanna celebrate our history, worcester is not the spot

also fuck columbus. lots of us know the truth but have been silenced by a bunch of 4th gen italian who don’t know our history.


NovelNo87 t1_irt7b8z wrote

Exactly. I’m actually 4th generation Italian and it was never even a celebration in my family. I never understood why some feel like their entire heritage hinges on celebrating one man from the 15th century.


legalpretzel t1_irtkkpk wrote

I’m second gen and not one member of my family has ever attended that parade or paid any kind of weird tribute to Columbus.

Based on Spectrum News reporting, it was mostly attended by Candy Mero-Carlson, children on floats, and boomers with thick Worcester accents.


CoolAbdul t1_irt9fo2 wrote

Columbus Day makes no sense to me. Italians already have St. Joseph's Day which is a much better holiday because it revolves around zeppoles.


Hate_Gatekeeping t1_irth0wh wrote

Fun Fact: Columbus Day as a yearly National Holiday was lobbied for as late as 1966 in New York. Before then it was merely an observance.

Particularly on the 300th & 400th anneversary of the first landing.

It was signed into legislation as a federal holiday in 1968 and was first observed as a national holiday in 1971.

During the height of the Mafia's Power.

Makes you think that this is all politics either way and italians just want a holiday like st. Patricks day.

They should have picked somebody better, like Dean Martin.


Hate_Gatekeeping t1_irs0rur wrote

Is this a rant? Some of the big brass in Worcester are italian and they dont care about anyone but themselves, really.

Look at the far-right lunatics in city hall, they fall under the banner of "Colorio"

The police union is stewerded by Sgt. Anthony Petrone, an abusive landlord and columbus fanboy.

He also made sure to post very far right insanity in the now-defunct IBPO local 504 FB page.

There is very little difference between lauded members of the Italian community here in Worcester and the Proud Boys community nationally.

Basically they parrot eachother.


[deleted] t1_irrx07v wrote



CoolAbdul t1_irt9ye8 wrote

Aren't dagos Spanish?


NovelNo87 t1_irvy44e wrote

As I understand it’s an ethnic slur towards Italians that originated when early immigrants had to travel by day for fear of being lynched, hence the name day-goers which evolved into Dago. Could also have applied to others but I’m not sure. Apparently Reddit is perfectly fine with slurs being thrown around at us, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


albalfa t1_irwhbiq wrote

> Apparently Reddit is perfectly fine with slurs being thrown around at us, so 🤷🏻‍♂️

I thought it was just me. Take the slurs in this thread and replace them with slurs for Jews, African-Americans, Polish-Americans, etc. and I would think the ban would hit so fast that there'd be skid marks.


CoolAbdul t1_irw255n wrote

I wouldn't worry about it. It's mostly the micks doing it.