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Watchfull_Hosemaster t1_irybtvq wrote

Who's behind this? Did UMass receive complaints from people about how they were offended by the name of the street or is this one of those situations where some eggheaded higher-ups want to put forth an empty gesture and pat themselves on the back?


I highly doubt that there are more than a handful of people that care or are somehow hurt by the name of Plantation Street.


This is one of those instances where an institution of some sort feels the need to create an issue where one never really existed just so they can pontificate and virtue signal.


Watchfull_Hosemaster t1_iryccv0 wrote

Whoever is behind this wants to feel good about themselves for when they drive back to Shrewsbury or some other town to attend a planning board hearing to oppose the affordable housing development across town so they don't have to deal with the riff-raff coming in.


The people behind this likely live in towns that resemble modern day plantations. Large suburban homes sprawling along streets with names like Fox Run, Vista View, Pine Ledge Drive, etc. where half of the residents have hired help that come in from Worcester, Fitchburg, and other areas these do-gooder/do-nothingers would never find themselves in.


UniqueCartel t1_is0w8u0 wrote

It’s the guy who works at UMass’s business/PR rep who petitioned for the change. I’m sure he had support from the school’s board or chancellor or whatever the appropriate office is. I won’t name him, because I think he’s a good guy, and it might not be his baby. Could be something he was told to do. Idk