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JoshSidekick t1_iwib5jx wrote

Wasn't there a story years ago about how COPS filmed in Worcester and they couldn't use any of it because they were abusive to basically like, everyone?


outb0undflight t1_iwibpva wrote

I've never heard this story, and I kind of doubt its authenticity, but I'm not going to lie when I read the news my first thought was, "It's going to be hard to prove that WPD target specific groups of people because they just treat everyone like shit."


JoshSidekick t1_iwidptu wrote

By years, I mean like late 90's too, so I don't expect a ton of people to remember. But yeah, I was thinking the same.


anightclubfordogs t1_iwixavv wrote

Coming from a family of Worcester cops, I 100% believe this. My grandfather just passed away last week, I know for a fact him and his cop buddies would beat on people for fun back in the 70s. Not defending present day cops, but back then it was so bad. The more accountability and monitoring for people in power the better


outb0undflight t1_iwidy5d wrote

Okay, yeah, that might be the case then. I'd have been like....10 at the oldest.


AceVenturas t1_iwikfgy wrote

I remember when cops filmed. I think 99% of it was filmed downtown when the Friday, Saturday night strip was still a thing. I remember people walking in front of the camera singing the bad boys theme song and trying their hardest to be on tv. I was pissed it wasn't aired


pdmt99 t1_iwlgp37 wrote

The Fox Cops filming in Worcester was a total fiasco. Cops were harassing youth throughout the community trying to get their minute of fame. One of the "incidents" led to a lawsuit after cops/film crew went into an apartment through a bedroom window where a guy was sleeping naked. Myself and a friend were arrested by cops for handing out fliers for an anti-Fox Cops community rally, one of the cops eventually got kicked off the force (Google Mark Rojas), the other got promoted.

After a week of community pressure, the City announced it was ending the agreement w/ FOX, and they were leaving. Chief Gemme at the time had a great quote at the time saying he had never really heard of the show and watched it and didn't know what it was really about.

Here's a 90's community video podcast from back then:


outb0undflight t1_iwm0ajo wrote

> Here's a 90's community video podcast from back then: > >

This link isn't working but I'd definitely be curious to see that.

On a similar note, for anyone who's curious, there's a podcast from a few years back called Running From COPS (or something very similar) that was about televised policing and how sketchy it is. Highly recommended!


Seekay2022 t1_iwixopv wrote

Ehhhhhh here's the flip side. I grew up near there. It's rough and ugly. NO not everyone. But there are enough ruffians, drug dealers and other trash to outweigh the normal people who just don't have much money. Note I am not counting homeless among the "ruffians." Cops are needed at all hours down on Main Street #s 600 to 950.


esotericpigeon t1_iwjx1id wrote

lmaooo i live between those numbers on main and i promise we don’t need or want the cops there