
JoshSidekick t1_j7r2g25 wrote

Whenever I've lived in an apartment complex, the Verizon guy would come around asking about upgrading and then when we'd say yes, they'd immediately return with the "Well, we need everyone to say they'll switch because otherwise it's not fiscally responsible to do the work for one apartment". Now that I have a house, I'm certain they'd say they need the whole street...


JoshSidekick t1_j084j3m wrote

Look, stop paying outrageous prices. All you need is to read 1 book about growing weed watch 1 grow journal that has every step germinating, veg, flower, dry and cure. Then distill into an oil and package into it's container. Just some money for a couple plants, the parts for your diy vape, some youtube videos, a degree in chemistry and engineering and a few months of your time. it’s so easy a idiot like me can do it.