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redstarohyeah t1_iwqim6r wrote

This puts the entire onus on the minority group in the council though, ask yourself this: what has candy mero Carlson or Kate Toomey EVER done in their years in the position? I have infinite respect for these new councilors trying to drag the Worcester old guard into 2022.


guybehindawall OP t1_iwqmls4 wrote

Oh, so rubberstamping every extrabudgetary police expenditure and groveling to developers counts for nothing now???


redstarohyeah t1_iwqpwd8 wrote

Haha this is exactly the kinda snark I sign into Reddit for


guybehindawall OP t1_iwqr9o9 wrote

In completely seriousness though, King/Haxhiaj/Nguyen have done a great job exposing just how inert and adverse to actively leading half of the council is. Maybe that's not "getting things done" (insert jacking off gesture here) but you gotta walk before you can crawl.


Karen1968a t1_iwqq36c wrote

Well it would appear that the answer to your question is, literally everything that’s happened over the last 5-10 years. You can absolutely argue the merits of things like Polar Park, but they got it done. The minority group is incapable of getting things done because they are incapable of working together, they are agenda driven not result’s driven. Now, I see a story in the T&G today about rooming houses, that seems to have widespread support on the council. Let’s see how it plays out