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WinstonGreyCat t1_izabcu5 wrote

Someone was shot and killed at Honeyfarms.


Pvt_Wierzbowski t1_izbh751 wrote

If I die at Honey Farms, then I want the last thing I hear to be their delightful commercial jingle.


Plenty-Resort t1_izbj9fp wrote

I used to work with the guy that allegedly shot the victim and I can say that I am 100% not surprised. He’s exactly the type of person that should not be allowed to own firearms. Ugh so sad.


bemest t1_izc45b2 wrote

He apparently had a concealed carry permit.


Greyb00k t1_izdb0sw wrote

You really think so? I never got that vibe from him.


Plenty-Resort t1_izeufqr wrote

He was very easily volatile and had no deescalation skills (which are very important while working in security at a busy hospital). Saw him act violently unprovoked on a patient and then he denied it. He had the tendency to make things worse and not better when dealing with threats. All I’m saying is the first words out of my mouth when I saw the news were “I totally saw this coming” and I’m not the only one.
