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em-em-cee t1_j3ouyja wrote

I have a 2014 car that I bought new. On average, I go through the car wash once every year or so and I've never gotten the undercarriage thing. There's no real rust on it.


NativeMasshole t1_j3p9s9w wrote

You really only need to go to the car wash that often when there's salt everywhere in the winter. Outside of that, I only wash my car when it's dirty. I like the Big Kahuna for their underspray, although the best way to do it is to get out and do it yourself (weather permitting).


xtraman122 t1_j3qjoo5 wrote

Not really, most of those are gimmicks to get more money. I suppose some that supposedly spray a protectant might do something but it’s mostly a feel-good thing people like to do.

To which I’d recommend to OP, if you’re tight in cash, I’d save some of that money and do some cheaper washes here and there. Can go to Ernie’s twice a month on a basic wash with buying the little booklets and save a few bucks.


NativeMasshole t1_j3qwvrm wrote

Yup. Washing the salt off can save you lots of money in future maintenance. The people here saying "rust free!" are probably talking mostly about body panels and wheel hubs, which are already protected thoroughly. However, your undercarriage has lots of nuts and bolts (and your exhaust) which can all get rusted together. Your mechanic will thank you if you wash your car.

Now the protecter that other commenter mentioned, that's a waste of money. Unless you're getting hand-waxed, everything beyond soap and water is probably just dye to make the water pretty so you feel better about spending $20 on a wash.


NativeMasshole t1_j3r8nte wrote

Absolutely, make, model, and year can make a huge difference.

Also whether you garage your car, have a private drive, or park in the street. Leaving it out in the elements is worse, and then street parking can lead to more dents, dings, and scratches for rust to work its way into.

Some areas even have salt restrictions due to reservoirs/watersheds.

There's a ton of factors. But one thing is for sure: salt corrodes metal.


Sufficient-Voice-210 t1_j3r9wp2 wrote

Undercoat your car can be $150 to $500 once and then your underbody will be protected. After that wash your car at home if that’s possible so you won’t have to spend a ton on carwashes just occasionally supplies


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_j3rkuig wrote

I’m a car clean freak, and wash my car twice a week. You DONT need to wash your undercarriage every wash. Modern cars can tolerate salt ok. As long as you do the undercarriage wash once a month during the winter, you will be fine.