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NativeMasshole t1_j49p6dy wrote

I think that's the only choice in the area for a full Chinese buffet. Unless you want to drive a half an hour for basically the exact same experience.


Puzzleheaded-Phase70 t1_j49pz5y wrote

I didn't know the super Chinese buffet on Mill St closed...


NativeMasshole t1_j49qm90 wrote

I'm surprised it lasted so long. They definitely had an amazing selection, but I always felt like I was gambling eating there. And they didn't even have booze!


This-Recording9461 t1_j49rwzi wrote

Ate there once ages ago, close to the sickest I've ever been a few hours later.

The irritating part is I knew better looking around, but I didn't want to be rude to the other people in our party who suggested it.