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dupattaluella OP t1_j572tb7 wrote

Reply to comment by JohnnyGoldwink in Electricity Bill by dupattaluella

Nah, it won't be. This will just be a push for more control and eventually a push towards socialism. I mean, our electric bills already charge us for solar panels that are "free", electric vehicle charging stations that are "free", and renewable energy production.


Zealousideal_Lie_383 t1_j578s8j wrote

Really? Where are these free electric vehicle charging stations? If true, I’ll switch to an EV vehicle. All the charging stations I’ve seen require a credit card to operate.


dupattaluella OP t1_j57cr2f wrote

Some are changing to pay to use, but many are still free. I don't have an EV, so I don't check them. Part of the cost is also to build the charging stations.

All the "free" programs are paid for by taxes and small fees like those on your utility bills.


Zealousideal_Lie_383 t1_j57nv93 wrote

I wonder how many free charging stations etc need to be created before the cost comes close to the billions of tax dollars spent subsidizing the oil industry.


dupattaluella OP t1_j57xe68 wrote

Right?! We need to go back to nuclear power. It would be much cheaper.


Lil_Brown_Bat t1_j58bj8r wrote

Op doesn't own an EV and has no idea what they're talking about.


Lil_Brown_Bat t1_j58bdd1 wrote

The free stations are on business properties used to lure people to their businesses or as a perk for employees. They are slow charging stations that would take 4 hrs to charge completely. The electricity is paid for by the business that owns that property. Fast charging stations that charge in about an hour are all paid for by the consumer.


Waynky t1_j5bm9fu wrote

The things you are describing are already happening under capitalism.

I don't think you fully grasp where the real issues are here.