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Shalidar13 t1_ja0n2ne wrote

My minions had done well. I sent them away with a well earned bonus, leaving me alone with two new victims. They had been affixed to a pair of stone slabs, iron bands locked around their limbs. I reached out to break the enchantment laid upon them, allowing their minds to return to consciousness.

With arms crossed I watched them stir. They tried to stretch, finding the bindings I had let them in. It was so good, watching the panic rise on their faces. I stayed quiet, as they looked to each other.


"Foela? Are you ok?"

"Where are we? What's happening?!"

The woman's voice was shrill. I winced, shaking my head. To think she had produced such mighty progeny. I clicked my fingers, causing the slabs to tilt upwards. I glowered at them, inwardly pleased at the horror on their faces.

"You are his parents? I was hoping for more. How pathetic."

Raspun stared at my shadow cloaked form, squinting. He spoke with trembling words, yet still understandable.

"W-who are you?"

I rolled my eyes, letting the purple flames crawl out. With that the recognition was obvious. He uttered the name he knew for me, utterly horrified.

"The Abysswalker?"

I grinned.

"So you aren't completely thick. Just mostly."

I began to pace around them, letting the slabs rotate to face me at all times.

"I admit, I am not a nice person. I have killed, robbed and ruined the lives of an uncountable number of people. Towns burn in my name, lives cut short at but a word I speak. Yet even I have not stooped to the depths you embrace."

Foela shook her head, her shrill tongue scratching my ears.

"Why are you doing this to us?!"

I stopped, glaring at her.

"For Lucius."

The name struck them both like a hammer. Raspun's pale cheeks filled with colour, anger slicing through his fear.

"What did that boy tell you? He is a liar."

I raised a hand, clawing it. Purple mist swirled around my fingers, as his body began to seize.

"He told me nothing. His memories however, they spoke of it all. How you starved him. Beat him. Used him like a slave. Did you know who he is? Did it cross your mind, as you spilt his blood, that he was the prophesied hero?"

I clenched tighter, getting a scream of agony in return. I saw the sweat dripping down his forehead, running through the lines on his contorted face. With a scoff I relaxed my grip, making him drop limply.

"It didn't. I know it didn't. You had one of the most important people in the world at your fingertips, and you chose to grind him down."

Retrieving a blue carved stone from my pockets, I set my thoughts on the boy I had taken in.

"Lucius, dear boy. I have something for you."

His soft way of speaking once made me smile, but now it made my heart ache. I knew the reason for it, and I could only feel sorrow for him.

"What do you have for me?"

I shot a smirk at his parents, as they hung there.

"A gift. The one I had promised you all those nights ago."

There was a long silence on his end, before he spoke with a level tone.

"Thank you. I will be with you in a moment."

Nodding, I gave him the cell number we were in. He ended our talk, and I looked back to his parents.

"I can think of many things I would like to do to you. But it is not my place to decide you punishment this time. It is his."

I chuckled as terror filled them. The one they had hurt. The one they had broken down, would be their judge. It was only fitting.


zWol42 OP t1_ja0wa22 wrote

I love how her just adopted lucius, and how the punishment would for him to decide on how to deal with them


DragonLordAcar t1_ja2u0oq wrote

I could see this going for the Dark Hero route. Basically, they are justice but not hope.


Federal_Penalty5832 t1_ja223ma wrote

"The Love Behind the Villain's Guise"

I kidnapped the hero, with malice in my heart,

But little did I know, it was just the start

Of a journey that would change, my wicked heart and ways,

As I lived as their parent, for countless days.

I saw the hero's pain, and how they'd been mistreated,

By parents who abused them, and left them feeling defeated,

But as I held them close, and wiped away their tears,

I felt a love I'd never known, grow strong and clear.

The hero looked at me, with eyes so bright and kind,

And said "I know you're not my parent, but you're the best I'll ever find,

You've shown me love and care, and taught me right from wrong,

And I'm grateful for the family, that with you I've longed."

My heart swelled with pride, and love I'd never known,

As I realized that I'd found, a place to call my home,

The hero's words had touched, a part of me that's pure,

And I knew that I'd be their parent, forevermore.

So though I started out, with evil on my mind,

The hero's love had changed me, and opened up my eyes,

To the beauty of a family, built on love and trust,

And the power of a heart, that's pure and just.

And though the road ahead, may be long and steep,

I know that with the hero, I've found a love that's deep,

And I'll stand by their side, no matter what may come,

For the love we share, will never come undone.


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