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Random-Lich t1_j9b1jta wrote

Pt. 1

“You know why I did it, it was for revenge for you cape clad charlatans do.” said the man in a underground interrogation room.

The man was an in their young 20’s, the interrogator couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the crime they committed. A normal person; no powers, no supertech, not even a basic issue tesla rifle… they managed to kill a Grade S Hero and Villain with a single shot of a rifle.

“Why did you do it?” asked the interrogator, using their multi-arm backpack to put back the file on their case.

The man laughs, worse than any supervillain due to it not being an act. “Debra Colt, Alex Rose, Professor Alexander Jr, and more… have you heard of The School Trip Incident of 1991? From what I’ve heard, it was classified since ‘no one lived’ but I did… I was there.” said the man.

“Picture this; you, your parents, closet friends, mentor and classmates all go on a trip for graduating college. Little did we know, a hero and villain had a fight there scheduled and we were in the cross fire. Instead of postponing the fight, my parents were cut in half by laser eyes and the bus tossed the side of a cliff… then come in the cleaners.”

“Have you ever smelled acid melt down human bodies and metal while hearing their screams… not fun” says the man clenching a fist.

“How did you escape?” asks the interrogator, visibly nervous at the man’s story.

The man lifts his leg up on the table and rolls up his pant leg… revealing a prosthetic. “Sacrificing a limb”


Random-Lich t1_j9b3ojr wrote

Pt 2

“After that, it was downhill. My life was scrubbed from any database and erased, anyone who knew me had their memories of me erased and forgotten.” said the man, putting down their leg.

“I am so sor-“ says the interrogator before being interrupted

“I don’t care for a ‘I’m sorry’ I wanted justice. So, let me continue.” yells the man before calming down.

“I barley lived and dedicated the rest of my life to finding them and making them pay. I heard a rumor about them fighting in a nearby town and I bought a rifle to take them down.” says the man as he starts to imitate taking aim with a rifle.

“I shot the hero during their good guys always win monologue right in the eye” as the man imitates firing the rifle, “that caused them to free fall into the villain” then imitates the hero falling down with his hands “the villain had their ribs stab into their heart, the hero broke their neck… I won’t deny I did it and laugh if you try to cover this up”.

“We HAVE to now, a hero and villain die together by a rouge gun man. I am really sorry about this and what happened. On top of mass panic, this sadly is a business built off destruction. I am truly sorry, we have to keep this cycle going.” says the interrogator as they aim a extra robotic limb from her backpack at him.

The man laughs as he pulls something out.


The limb fires a pulse of energy as she sees what the man grabbed… a phone that was set to live stream the whole interrogation.

“What people love more than a good villain, is a martyr.” says the man as he pants heavily. “Hi… mom…” he says as he dies.

The interrogator looks down at the livestream and sees millions of people watching it and threats against heros and villains and one automated comment appears when she closed the stream.

Hac morte fruere et meminere, nam signat istos.


Asgarus t1_j9b4mm5 wrote

Nice! Would fit well into The Boys^^


Random-Lich t1_j9bjh0z wrote

The Boys was one of my inspirations for my superhero/villain stories here.

The other is both the O.S.I. and Guild of Calamitous Intent from Venture Bros


Atreigas t1_j9cm9i6 wrote

>Hac morte fruere et meminere, nam signat istos.


>Enjoy and remember this death, for it marks them.