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MinFootspace t1_j71do1j wrote



existential_risk_lol OP t1_j71jsii wrote

Named after the lost dog god of Old America, Pluto is a thriving hub of commerce on the outer edge of human-inhabited space. The fourth planet from a G-type star called Coleus, Pluto is roughly 74 light-years from Home, the birthplace of mankind.

The Coleus system is rich in natural resources, with four inner rocky planets and three gas giants. Pluto is the residential and industrial hub of the system, as the only remotely habitable world for several light-years. The upper atmospheres of Minos and Taros (the two largest gas giants) are rich in helium-3, a key fuel source in the powering of a faster than light 'jumper' drive: as a result, Pluto is a hotly contested planet, with a long history of both civil, human warfare and extraterrestrial conflict.

The planet is currently under the control and jurisdiction of the Human Colonial & Industrial Force (HUCOLINFO). The ongoing cold war between humanity and the Quab indicates that the Quab armada intends to seize Pluto as a vital strategic resource, hence the increasing military build-up in the Coleus system.