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pretendvacation570 t1_j7zmmlj wrote

The authorities have tricked me. A folly I shouldn't have fell for, but they knew my weakness. I was promised a walk, and it was. A walk right into a trap. As we excited their vehicle, I expected my paws to meet with the lovely soft grass of a park and scents of my fellow friends... and some enemies, yet what I saw was much worse than any enemy.

A companion from the southern regions of the America's, shaking, their tiny, frail body held in the arms of their commanders, leaving a building meant to shave you down to nothing and cut your toes off. My companion followed instructions, loyally, and were cut down to look like a lion. It was ridiculou and I was frightened at the site and tried to flee but their noose was tight, forcing me to stop as I nearly choked myself unconscious.

At this point, I was ready to pass out and began, embarrassingly, whimpering. Why would they betray me? I was loyal, if nothing else. The days we'd spent checking the perimeter of the neighborhood, ensuring safety for all, and this is my thanks? To be waterboarded?

Again, the officials knew how to ease my anxiety, as they treated me to a delight. Right in front of my face, was the scent of pupperoni, those beefy little delights. I couldn't resist, I was weak. As my teeth clench the snack and bit in, it must've been laced with something foreign because I was blinded, my senses dulled, and i found myself simply following the hand before me with nothing else in my mind. When I was done chewing and my stomach was satisfied, I found myself strapped to a metal table, and I knew, it was over for me.

The torturer was particularly cruel, telling me that I was a good boy, making me feel calm before blasting me with water or cutting my toes off. Why did she want the hard part of my toes? Was she a witch? Or did she just simply want a trophy? It was too hard to tell because before I knew it, she had a knife, near my eyes, chopping away at my fluff. I could still taste the pupperoni and felt betrayed by it too somehow.

Then, as if she couldn't go on with it anymore, the witch came to her senses, deemed me a good companion, and handed me back to the authorities. On the way back to their vehicle, I shook and shook the new smells she lathered me with and rubbed myself in my old scent I'd left in the seat. The joke is on them.

Just when I thought I couldn't trust the authorities, they opened the door, coaxing me with the squeal of a fresh new toy and my ears perked at the love in their voice. Perhaps there was a traitor amongst us and they simply needed to Vet me first. I forgave them and we ventured home.

Written from my phone, sorry about any mistakes.


SpaceShroomsSam t1_j80a7wx wrote

      The human, that I allow to live with me, has just informed me that I will be going to a vet. I am grateful at the moment because the "vet" sounds like a fine establishment. Henceforth I will allow my human to take me to this "vet".

       As we enter the loud, beeping, wheel device. I can see that my human I very nervous. Normally I would give it some lovely scratches to calm it. But I was in my divine carrier. So I've decided while my human suffers I shall take a nap while the human nerves increase.

      I'm awakened by a vile shaking of my carrier, and the sounds of a bell, that is much louder than my bell toys. I'm set down on something similar to what the human creates my food on. And a conversation between the humans commences, well more like gibberish between the words. "Appointment", "Spaying", and "Tomorrow." While these words mean nothing to me my human leaving does concern me. The female human on the chair grabs my carrier with little force, but enough to jostle me. I am taken to the back where I'm dropped into a cage. Honestly, sometimes humans are horrible at obeying their cats' commands. I decide to look out of these sticks holding me in this containment. And I am thoroughly disgusted by this establishment. While I'm am practically thinking about perishing to avoid touching this place anymore. A human with a clipboard opens my containment and grabs me. Unwilling of this interaction I bit the human, and the human proceed to restrain me with its arms in a successful manner. I am then injected with something that makes me feel woozy and tired. Content with my situation I allow myself to sleep.

      When I awaken I have a cone on my neck, distraught I throw my head around my containment. After a while of doing that, I grow tired and rest only to realize I'm missing something...My children storage is gone?! Distraught I let out a heinous yowl, I tire myself out and fall asleep distraught and never trusting again.

(First time writing so alot mistakes)


katpoker666 t1_j81o8cm wrote

‘A Bone to Pick’


Sasha’s grizzled muzzle lolled out the window, a thin stream of drool marking the sedan’s trajectory.

The old boxer sniffed the air, growled, and whimpered. She nuzzled the Yorkie pup lying next to her. “Trix? TRIX? TRIXIE?!?”

Trixie opened an eye slowly, her third eyelid still apparent from slumber. “Wh-what? Wh-here are we?”

“In the car, stupid. You were half asleep when she put you in, and you snored the whole way so far.”

Stretching, Trixie licked a paw. “So?”

“So? So?? Don’t you hear them?”

“Hear what, Sash?”

“The howls of horror. She. Is. Taking. Us. To. The. Vets.”

“Say what now?”

“You heard me,” Sasha raised a graying brow.

Suddenly, Trixie was everywhere at once. Jumping on the seat. Dashing at the windows. Barking like a mad pup.

“Trix? What is it, girl?” Her human mom reached over to scritch her head. “Aww, you know you’re going to the vet’s, don’t you? Poor thing.”

Whimpering, Trixie clawed the window.

“Here we are, guys. Let me just get your leashes,” she said, opening the car door slightly.

That’s all it took. Sasha darted out with a speed belying her age. She looked left and right and realized she had nowhere else to go. Head down, she walked back to her mom.

“Goood girl,” the human crooned, patting her on the head.

With both dogs on leashes, she entered the vet's office.

Two fresh peanut butter flavored biscuits of their favorite biscuits awaited them at the front desk.

“I could get used to this, Sash. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.”

A lone groan from the back echoed through the cement building.

They exchanged looks as their names were called.

Sasha murmured, “This is the end, my only friend.”

“Don’t be so dramatic. It’s a rabies shot.”


insertcaffeine t1_j82eokc wrote

I am a corgi.

My ancestors hailed from ancient Wales, where they drove cattle and sheep with nothing but their wits and their voices. They bossed around thousands of tons of livestock!

I got this.

I know where we are. I can smell the shampoo. Food Human's not listening to me and letting me go into the fun part of the pet store. She must have brought me here for a reason.

Another human! He says I'm cute and I'm such a good dog! Because I am! ❤️

Wait. He's acting sneaky. He put a second collar on me. People only do that when they want to take me somewhere. He's reaching for my feet!

"I have to check her feet out," he says.

"Okay, that's fine." Food Human is just letting this happen?

I am a corgi!

Never touch a corgi's feet!

I'll lay down and hide them. No feet for you, Sneaky Human.

"Is she normally skittish about getting her feet touched?" Sneaky Human asks.

"She hates it. I try my best to touch her feet as much as I can so she'll get used to it, but she really dislikes it." Food Human really does touch my feet, and she only gets away with it because I like her.

Sneaky Human reaches down again.

No! I am a CORGI!


"Momo, no!" Food Human's yanking me out of the room.

"I'm sorry, this isn't gonna work," Sneaky Human says.

"You're right," Food Human says.

"The dog is just too stressed," he says.

"I know. I don't want a dangerous situation for either of you. Can we reschedule for a different day so I can try it with some natural calming treats on board?"

CALM TREATS? I know calm treats! Gimme some!

"Of course."


Chainsawferret t1_j82fziv wrote

A visit to the groomers..

“I’m telling you this isn’t necessary! I snarled at my partner, as she pulled the K9 cruiser up to ‘Le Poodle Parlour’. I was beyond grumpy, I was furious.

“Look, it’s for your promotion photo. You’re up for promotion to Sergeant, remember?”

True, and if I hadn’t been bitten, probably would have made it sooner than I did. Still…”Ramona, it’s a Goddamn dog groomer!”

“And? How many Great Clips know how to trim tails?” She asked, as she put the car in park.

…damnit “ok point, but I’m not a dog!”

Sh e just looked at me “your radio call sign is Scrappy Doo”

“That’s because it pisses off Cooper.” and even at my full height..well it was less than impressive for someone of my breed, so to speak. Life’s tough for a 5”4” werewolf.

Officer Sandoval sighed “look, these guys do good work..and I’m pretty sure you’re not the only one in your situation to use this place. I asked around, ok?”

I could tell that this was going nowhere..and damnit, she was right. I was getting pretty scruffy when shifted. “Fine,” I mutter, wriggling out of my vest. “But I’m not going in there like this.”

It was weird. Very weird, going all the way to all fours. I have only done it a few times, mainly emergencies where I couldn’t fit in someplace any other way. Never realize how much you miss having thumbs till they are gone. “Ey, you don't need the leash!”

If I didn’t know my partner better, I’d swear she was enjoying this. Then again, it could be payback for the noodle case. “They won’t take any customers, not on one.”


I followed her sulking as we went into Le Poodle Parlour. I damn sure better get that promotion after this.