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DragonEyeNinja t1_jacvqm3 wrote

(perhaps not in the original spirit of the prompt, but i wanted to go somewhere unique with this)

The chief professor of toxicology sat now at his desk. His student, having recently finished proudly describing his newest poison, placed it in front of the professor. Supposedly, it was strong enough to kill a whale within seconds. This was the final exam; the quicker or more excruciating the death, the better the grade the student would receive.

The professor was a unique kind of immortal. He did die, but resurrected an hour later. His job at the institute of toxicology was rather boring, until he suggested that he be the guinea pig for all sorts of dangerous substance. Naturally, his frequent deaths hurt a lot, but it paid well, and gave his students a chance to observe the results of their toxins through dissection of the cadaver.

He raised the beaker to his lips and downed the whole thing. Tasted of... lemon? That couldn't be right... no poisons would be as sweet as this.

Two minutes passed. The professor was still not dead. It was then that the student sheepishly realized something - she had accidentally swapped around her teacup and her poisonous beaker. After retrieving the substance, she placed it in front of him.

He took a swig this time and immediately collapsed on the floor, frothing at the mouth. An A+ for sure.


Professional-Box4153 t1_jae4ckb wrote

Wasn't this the premise of the show "Forever"?

Man gets cursed 300 years ago so that he's resurrected every time he dies. As you can imagine, after 300 years of this, it gets old, so he's researching new and improved ways of killing himself off... by becoming a medical examiner in New York where he can study the many ways that people die.

The premise was great, and the acting was quite good, but sadly, it never made more than a single season.


_TheSiege_ t1_jadl45g wrote

Was expecting this one to kill him off forever