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Shalidar13 t1_je7ba5q wrote

"There is another...."

A sourceless whisper echoed around me, bringing with it a deep chill. As the words reached me I set down my book, looking around the crowded tavern. The patrons seemed oblivious, though the tables close by shivered. They drew their clothes tighter, hunching thier shoulders. It was as though they could feel the grave beckoning, though they did not realise.

I gulped down what was left of my drink, placing the empty mug on the table. Quietly I made my way towards the stairs, as people looked up at me, before glancing away. They knew of me, my exploits teaching far and wide. But it did not make me welcome. Conversations quietened as I passed, words killed by the thought of my patron.

I paid them little mind. I had a duty, one I would not shy away from. My patron had my utmost trust and loyalty. Whatever they asked, I would do. Even thought it marked me as different, and one that all would be unconsciously wary of.

Floorboards creaked as I made my way to the room I had hired. It was small but functional, a single bed set against one wall. At its foot was a chest, currently holding my pack. A small table and chair finished its furniture, arranged beneath an open window.

I laid down on the bed, crossing my arms over my chest. I slowed my breathing, focusing on just letting it in and out. My awareness of the room drew in, sounds being lost, sights ignored. My breath was all there was, even as it slowed further. A creeping cold flowed over my limbs, a familiar sensation. It seized my chest, chilling further. My breaths came even slower, until finally they stopped.

"Champion, I require your services once more."

I opened my eyes, seeing a forest around me. It was devoid of colour, as these places always were. I caught glimpses of animals racing away, primal instincts making them flee. A shadow beside me bulged upwards, shaping into a floating ragged figure. I bowed my head, speaking in a quiet tone. "Who cuts short fate now?"

Death hovered through the forest, unspoken words bidding me to follow. I did as asked, seeing a worn path leading through the trees. Before us a tower rose, worn stones reclaimed from their decay. "The Dark Witch of Dazu resides here. She sacrifices the innocent in the name of her unholy masters, feeding their souls in return for power."

As if called, the door to the tower open. From within came a new person, coloured in this greyscale world. She wore a dress of red, with a lace pattern of flames set around her neck. A brown leather belt was wrapped around her waist, holding a series of bags, with a thin wooden wand stuck inside. Her blonde hair hung loosely around her shoulders, with a pointed black hat set atop. I took in her close set eyes, and button nose. Her face would be burned into my thoughts, until such time as she fell.

Death out a spectral hand on my shoulder, a surprising source of warmth. "Send her to me, that she might receive that which she deserves."

I nodded, bowing my head once more. "I will not fail you."

"I know. Now breathe."

Suddenly I took in a great gulp of air, my lungs burning. The forest vanished, as I sat up on my bed. My rested heart beat rapidly, working to fight against the chill of the grave that always came.

I had a new villain. A witch, with power of infernal origin. I would not celebrate her demise, but I would send her there nonetheless. This was my duty, as the Reapers Touch. The only hero chosen by Death.


Evaara t1_je99y1o wrote

"Omae wa mou shinderu. Henshin!"


For some reason I imagined him as a frail scholar that suddenly brings out a scythe/sickle then transforms Kamen Rider style into an armored dark knight. Lol.

Weird intrusive imagination aside, cool story! Thanks for the read.