
DistinguishedSloth t1_je4m5zx wrote

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there. Yeah that would have been a much more interesting avenue to explore ngl lol. ‘The good guys are bad’ trope is getting played out but I can see now I definitely hinted toward it being the case - so I basically promised the readers that the superhero isn’t all that good but then I didn’t deliver on it. That sucks. I wanna re-write it now. Would you be interested in reading an alternative version?


DistinguishedSloth t1_je29r46 wrote

Funny you say that. My original draft had Valiant being killed by The Executioner. I quite liked the idea of The Executioner hating himself for the terrible murders he committed in the past -- and a part of that hatred being tied to his own super abilities and by extension anyone else with super abilities. He would kill Valiant because he believes it's the only way to protect Andrea. Because those with super abilities are cursed and only end up bringing pain or death to their loved ones.

In the end I took a different route. As I was writing The Executioner he came across as a softer, more damaged soul who had lost his way trying to avenge his dead wife. Ultimately, he was left with regret and wished to be a part of his daughters life again. So, killing her boyfriend Valiant probably wasn't the best move.

Hate to say it, but I think the power of friendship diffuses this one lol. Definitely rushed the ending but I'm pleased you enjoyed it :)


DistinguishedSloth t1_je26yas wrote

Makes me really happy that you want to know more. Although, I gotta be honest, I'm not sure where I could take the story if I was to do a pt3.

If I was to work on this story again I think I'd just redo the ending. Rereading it now, it definitely seems rushed - but I had to go make food and didn't want to keep the guys waiting too long for pt2.

What would you like to see in pt3? Not making any promises though, I doubt I'll add more.


DistinguishedSloth t1_jdylo4h wrote

Part 1

She should be here any minute now. I sat, tapping my foot restlessly against the smooth, natural oak planks that covered the living room floor. Who would have thought that landing on your feet from a 73-story building could cause some long-term nerve damage? Or could it be something else? Nope, definitely the nerves—The door-bell chimed, echoing and bouncing against the white walls that formed the four-bed suburban house.

It felt like I had been swept by a tsunami of emotion. Standing there, in the open doorway, was my whole world. A world which I had left behind.

“Hello, Bubs”, I said, unable to contain my smile.

“Don’t call me that.”

Refusing to make eye-contact, Andrea strode inside and perched herself on the edge of the cream coloured couch, folding her arms tightly against her chest as if creating an invisible forcefield. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Understandable, considering how long it had been since we last saw each other. Her hazel-green eyes had become more weathered, icy even.

“How’s University?”

Painful silence. Nothing I don’t deserve and exactly what I should have expected.

“Fine”, muttered Andrea quietly, scowling at me.

At least she glanced in my general direction. I guess that could be considered progress.

“Look, Andrea, I understand how difficult this must be for you to—"

“Understand”, Andrea scoffed.

She’s right. I don’t understand, how could I – we haven’t spoken in so long. She’s come here for a reason, it’s important she says what’s on her mind. I slowly walked over and occupied a seat across from her, separated by the mahogany coffee table her mother had gifted me years ago. Each second felt like an hour, transporting me to a world I had long locked away. Andrea looked up as if to speak, then taped her mouth shut and turned her gaze to the floor. We continued to sit in silence.

“You left me. Mum died… and you left me”, she let out a sniffle as the sentence cut its way through the icy atmosphere. The truth I had turned my back to penetrated my heart like a dagger.

“I know. I’m sorry”, barely audible above my growing guilt. The guilt that had been sealed off in the deepest chasm of my soul.

“I was angry Andrea, I wanted revenge, it…”, my throat thickened.

“It consumed me and I didn’t care who or what got in my way… I would have burned the world… and I couldn’t let you near me – you’d only end up like your mother.”

“You left me all alone dad”, a single tear appeared, clouding the edge of her black eyeliner.

True, nothing will change that.

Part 2

Against the deafening silence, I heard it. A low whistling in the distance; probably a few miles away. I stood up.

“Andrea, stand behind me”, voice hoarse with sorrow as I ushered her up off the sofa.

“No. What are you talking about?” Andrea replied in a puzzled tone.

The whistling had grown louder, the noise definitely seemed to be travelling toward us. I thought I left this life behind. Tied up any loose ends. No-one knows I’m here. I thought it was safe to invite you over, to try and rebuild our broken bond, Andrea.

My blood began to boil, I tensed and flared each and every muscle fibre throughout my body.

“Andrea, get behind me now!”, I said in a breathy, panicked yell.

The whistling was almost deafening, as if it was hovering right above us. She darted a pair of sceptical eyes towards me, but followed.

“Where is she?!” Boomed an orotund voice from above.

My thoughts started to race. She? Andrea…? No, surely not. What could you possibly want from my daughter…?

Across the room collapsed a large part of ceiling. I pushed Andrea to the floor as she let out a yelp and shielded her against the ricocheting chunks of metal, wood and plasterboard. If only she’d inherited my crystalline skin.

“Are you hurt?” I whispered to her, scanning the room.

She shook her head from side-to-side, face pale with shock.

My attention switched to the young man slowly levitating down through the gaping hole in the ceiling. He had long blonde hair, with streaks of silver. His lean, oval face was lined with fury. A long, faded scar followed his hollow cheeks. I’d recognise that face anywhere. Roland ‘Valiant’ Ross, the nation’s crown jewel.

“I see that scar has healed up nice—” In a split second I was thrown and pinned against the wall, Valiant’s arm pressed tightly against my shoulder.

“No thanks to you… Executioner”, Valiant spat out in guttural voice.

My stomach felt like it had caved in, the force of Valiant’s punch knocked all the air out of my lungs. Had he gotten stronger? Or have I become weak?

“What… do you… want with my daughter?”, I managed to cough out.

Valiant’s grip loosened slightly, his thin eyebrows raised as a look of confusion crept over his face. This was my chance.

I smashed my forehead against his nose, right in between his wide turquoise eyes. Valiant staggered back, letting go of my shoulder. My feet dropped to the floor, I pushed off and tackled him around the waist, slamming him down. I unleashed a barrage of roundhouse punches, swinging with both my right and left hook. Valiant was nimble, although my weight pinned him to the ground, he still managed to evade most of my hits. Just keep targeting the head, make sure he can’t focus on flying away. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw his head down hard against the oak. I heard a faint crack, hopefully a fractured skull, not that it would affect Valiant much. Wait. This seems too easy. Why isn’t he fighting back?

“Stop! Stop! Please dad! Stop!” Andrea cried out.

“No Andrea. You don’t understand how powerful this man is.”

I drew back my shoulder charging up another shower of hits. Just as I was about to release, I felt two arms wrap against my back – trying to pull me away.

“Please… I love him, stop.”

You love him? Those words washed through my entire body, extinguishing my frenzy of anger.

I slumped over, facing up toward the hole in the ceiling.

Quietly, I said, “He broke through your mother’s ceiling, the debris almost hurt you”

“He can be… a bit extra at times, but he cares about me, a lot. And I care about him. Ross has been there for me these last few years. He helped when I was at my lowest”, she said in a tight voice. "Though, you could have used the front door, Ross"

Silence ensued, only to be broken by Ross, who let out in a croaky voice, “Rea… Your father is The Executioner?”