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Salsaisgreat t1_je0yuy5 wrote

A great prompt, but just a brilliant short story!

Very dark humour but I would love to see a series of graphic novels of this and other stories of this hell.

Huge kudos for creating a complex system and then creating a super clever loophole to break it.


Crystal1501 OP t1_je11oem wrote

The more complex a structure, the higher the odds that something goes wrong. ANYONE can make a PAPER boat, but even trying to craft a simple WOODEN boat requires careful planning and consideration.


StetsonSBostic t1_je1cnu9 wrote

Thank you so much! I loved the prompt so much I had to reschedule an appointment so that I could hop on here and write.


Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi t1_je1ra4l wrote

Really awesome story dude. I like that you glossed over the crueler aspect of hell, since we already know it's there, and instead gave us a tiered description with as much balance as possible in your universe. And the "willingly feeling unfulfilled to gain fulfillment" is just the cherry on top


neuralzen t1_je1hrsb wrote

You would probably enjoy The Devil and the Monk - free to read on the creator's website.


BrilliantOk9134 t1_je5puzb wrote

Nice comic but what’s with all the slurs?


neuralzen t1_je5reap wrote

Idk you'll have to ask the author. I assume it's trying to be gritty and unflinching, like Pearcher and such.