Salsaisgreat t1_je0yuy5 wrote
Reply to comment by StetsonSBostic in [WP] In hell, people can choose what happens to them. They can choose literally ANYTHING. Naturally, many people try to exploit this by going for luxuries and pampering, but the devil ALWAYS has ways to torture those fools... by Crystal1501
A great prompt, but just a brilliant short story!
Very dark humour but I would love to see a series of graphic novels of this and other stories of this hell.
Huge kudos for creating a complex system and then creating a super clever loophole to break it.
Crystal1501 OP t1_je11oem wrote
The more complex a structure, the higher the odds that something goes wrong. ANYONE can make a PAPER boat, but even trying to craft a simple WOODEN boat requires careful planning and consideration.
Captain_Pumpkinhead t1_je34by8 wrote
I hadn't thought of that before. That's a great way of looking at it.
StetsonSBostic t1_je1cnu9 wrote
Thank you so much! I loved the prompt so much I had to reschedule an appointment so that I could hop on here and write.
Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi t1_je1ra4l wrote
Really awesome story dude. I like that you glossed over the crueler aspect of hell, since we already know it's there, and instead gave us a tiered description with as much balance as possible in your universe. And the "willingly feeling unfulfilled to gain fulfillment" is just the cherry on top
neuralzen t1_je1hrsb wrote
You would probably enjoy The Devil and the Monk - free to read on the creator's website.
BrilliantOk9134 t1_je5puzb wrote
Nice comic but what’s with all the slurs?
neuralzen t1_je5reap wrote
Idk you'll have to ask the author. I assume it's trying to be gritty and unflinching, like Pearcher and such.
BrilliantOk9134 t1_je71tut wrote
I think it would have been better without them tbh
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