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Nomyad777 t1_jd9gmyf wrote

When we lost contact with the Voyager probes, our curiosity was piqued. So we pointed telescopes out to where Voyager I and II should have been.

When we lost the stars, we panicked. We had our sun. But we had no background cosmic radiation, not a single photon from the greater universe coming our way.

In seven months, we warred; the Polish took the entire planet, then renamed themselves to the Terra Firma System Union. A reminder that we still had Terra.

We discovered Hard Light just after the war, and with it, we sent probes all over our system.

Then, the stars came back.

We were on the opposite side of the Milky way, in another thousand-light-year wide anti-star bubble. No matter. We poured all our resources into FTL. Every last person helped. And then we had the GEP FTL Engine, able to cross that thousand light-year gap in mere days.

But we didn't head for the closest star. We went for Centauri. It was ours, and would be ours.

And what did we find when we arrived?


You, the ones who ripped us away from the same stars that pushed us to land on our moon. You, the ones who caused another World War to happen. You, the ones responsible.

Even though Sol is gone, this place is still ours, and we will fight tooth-and-nail to make it happen. Leave this place and a one thousand five hundred light year bubble around where Sol used to be. Or we'll happily start the Humanity's first interstellar war crawling our way back to where Sol's original home.
