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cesly1987 t1_iuc6s37 wrote

"Pastor David, The Leagues of Unified Heroes have come together with an unanimous decision. We will be landing on your island to take you into custody to stand trial for the crime of Supervillaniany!"

Pastor David turned and scoffed at the pointy-eared hero on the screen and replied, "And what crime is that? All I've done for this planet has been to help, not hindered! I don't beat up the mentally ill in alleyways like you do!"

"When you 'turn' your followers, they lose their free will. You are nothing more that a mind-slaver," said the hero.

"You lie," The Pastor retorts, " they join my congregation, they are not forced. And they still have free will. I can feel all of them. There are places within all of them I can not touch."

"So we should just trust the word of the cult leader that lives on a private island with thousands of fanatical followers and a stockpile of super-powered followers?" Replied the hero. "Our psychics can't read your followers' thoughts either."

"You can't read the mind of someone connected to a hivemind, you idiot!" Pastor David said before angrily flicking off the monitor. He sat in the darkness of his command room breathing heavily, feeling his congregation moving about with his mind.

"We knew this would escalate things," he heard Wondera say. He turned to her, she was beautiful, tall, muscled, in red and gold armor. 

Wondera was the last of her warrior race and the greatest hero of planet Earth. And she had just joined Pastor David's congregation 2 days ago.

She walked up to him and caressed his face and he felt her love. How long they had met in secret and talked about their plans to fix this broken word of all its problems. All that time he had never touched her. He wanted her to be sure she wanted to be a part of this! 

"They think I brainwashed you," The Pastor says. "They are probably sending some heavy bruisers to take you on. Radar clocks them 10 minutes out."

"I'm not scared of anything they can scrounge up on such short notice. But you may have to be okay with turning people without their consent. This is a war they started," she says to Pastor David. He seems a little awestruck by her intensity.

"Y-yeah sure. Like we planned. Until we force them into a stalemate, or we secretly convert the leaders of the opposition, or.."

"Total domination!" Wondera says as electric spark out from all over her body. She leans in and gives The Pastor a shocking kiss before taking off, crashing through the ceiling.