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UntakenNameFtw t1_iuh4m1g wrote

Part 2

What the hell was that?!" Lia murmured. I'd also like to know. I looked around until I spotted it. A wolf shaped Eldritch. It looked like a wolf but covered in shadow with many eyes and teeth moving around it. Shit.

Val disappeared again. He appeared right Infront of the abomination and punched it in the snout pausing what he punched in the process. The snout imploded. The wolf let out a monstrous howl. It's snout regenerated at a crazy rate as it retaliated.

"Lia!" Alex called out as Val defended himself by pausing the beast and teleporting.

"Right!" Lia gathered her wits and started gathering her mana for a spell specifically for these kinds of eldritch anomalies. But it will take time. The shadow wolf's many eyes glanced at Lia and growled, aware that she could hurt it.

I pulled my sword out and stood in front of her. I created a gravity field around us in a 1000 meter radius. Hopefully that will slow it down a little. I won't let this thing touch her.

Val kept punching and kicking while using time stops and skips but it wasn't doing much other then keeping the eldritch wolf at bay. Everytime time the wolf tried to ignore him to attack Lia he would teleport in front of it and give it a nasty punch sending it back.

Val cussed, " fuck! Why can't you just leave us alone?!"

Val screamed in rage as he beat the eldritch wolf while sustaining small injuries due to his recklessness. I've never seen Val so out of control.

"Val pull yourself together! Bring him closer so I can help!" He ignored me. I felt conflicted. I looked at Lia, she was almost done. 20 more seconds maybe. I can't leave Lia unprotected and I can't help Val either. I feel so useless! I tried using gravity to make Val faster but failed. I wasn't quite there yet in my knowledge of gravity.

Suddenly the wolf disappeared into the shadows. I saw Val stop while breathing heavily and kneel on the ground. He must have over done it. He called out quickly in a panic.

"Alex, Watch out!"

I was prepared. I kicked my foot off the ground and appeared where I thought the wolf would attack and swung only to have the wolf catch the gravity enhanced sword with it's teeth. The teeth cracked while the wolf snarled before returning back into the shadows and trying again.

"I'm ready!" Lia shouted. Val blinked and tried grabbing the wolf that sprang out of a shadow of a tree. But missed.

"Lia shoot it now!" I yelled.

I stepped in front of the wolf and swung my sword right as Lia let the rainbow colored spell loose. However, the wolf predicted the trajectory of my sword while ignoring the pull of gravity I created and slipped past my guard.

No! I turned around as I heard a monstrous whelp and saw the wolf collapsing as it slowly disintegrated into black particles. We did it? I looked at Val who had a really dark expression on his face as he was still kneeling. I looked back towards Lia. She looked at me, her eyes watery.

"I'm sorry Alex. I'm so sorry." She whispered before she collapsed. I used gravity to suspend her from falling and pulled her to me and caught her in my arms.


No! Not like this. I searched her body. Her stomach? Blood. There's so much blood. I scrambled for my pockets. A potion. I need a potion.

She grabbed my hand weakly to grab my attention. I looked into her eyes. She reached up to touch my face only for it to fall back down. She smiled softly, "I lov-" she didn't finish that sentence as I watched her eyes lose color.



UntakenNameFtw t1_iuheh0a wrote

Lmao I just realized after a certain point I mixed up Alex and Val reading this over. I'm sure this will confuse people. I don't know how to edit a message yet cause I'm new otherwise I would. Just be aware that Val is the one that can use time and teleport and fought up close with the wolf while Alex used gravity and protected Lia. So some of the actions where I mentioned Alex is actually not him but Val. Rooky mistake on my part. xD


sane-writing t1_iuhzrqf wrote

below your message are multiple buttons (on pc): Reply, Share, Save, Edit, Follow and three dots. It's rather obvious there.

on mobile, there are just three dots below your message, in that menu there's a pen-symbol to edit your message.

And, as a personal suggestion (that's how I usually do it): Write your stuff in a text program, save it, wait a few hours. then, read it again, correct every mistake you can find. at that point I usually go to bed, proofread it again the next day, maybe make more corrections and post it afterwards.

obviously, that's only how i post my stories, my regular answers usually are a mess :-D


UntakenNameFtw t1_iui0nbh wrote

Nice! Thanks for this. xD I'm to lazy to edit this now but I will definitely update this later today.