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ColebladeX t1_ixnos1t wrote

I had a really stupid idea. Over 600 people tried before me many of them had armies. They’re all dead am now and I was just gonna be another casualty. But I did my due diligence, swords, magic, bows, poison they all failed and ended up dead. So I decided to try something really dumb. I worked my way in to becoming a chief in the dark lords kitchens. And I waited and took notes, I figured out what the dark lord didn’t eat and finally I had an option, lemons! Maybe he had a citrus allergy? When I was supposed to cook for him I put lemon in his meal and waited. Didn’t take long for a guard to come for me and I was escorted to the dark lord still alive. “Are you the one who made my chicken?” I nodded fully expecting to be killed. ”That was one of the best chickens I ever had. You used lemons in it right? You had some guts to try lemon when no one else had. Continue to be bold I look forward to your next meal.” And with that I left. Yeah it was a stupid idea guess I’ll have to keep trying. The chief assassin never gives up!