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Dvorkam t1_ixnx445 wrote

I truly take no pleasure in this turn of events dear adventurers, I have no desire to kill you, as the matter of fact I will not, no, it is not necessary, but you see, you are the living ... for now ... proof, that my forest is finally ready for me to leave.

Let me tell you, what is the role you currently play. The forests have changed with the advent of gamekeepers and hunters. Before them, a positive cycle of life and death was maintained, as forest spread, more prey could live in it, more prey allowed more predators to thrive, and their dead remains in turn soiled the ground, and on and on it went. But humans try to kill all the predators, they hunt them for trophies, they hunt them to make shepherds’ life easier, they break the balance, and in doing so slowly kill the forest. Deers and other prey overpopulates, they eat the grass and the sapling, trees stop growing, and insect have nowhere to breed and will not pollinate and don't get me started on the lumberjacks. No, I decided, that will not do.

I started small a dark groove in the middle of the forest, far from you, where only the strong or fast survive. But death of the weak serves as the fertile ground for the most delicious and aromatic herbs, which draws in prey as well as hunters. Weak and dimm die, strong get stronger, fast get faster, all survivors get smarter, on and on it goes.

Is it my fault, people who stumbled upon this groove are weak AND dimm? I knew sooner or later someone like you will be sent to find and defeat the 'evil' in the middle of the forest. Hence the second line of defence. Mushrooms.

Oh yes, animals are smart enough to shy away from the wonderful spores. Spores that slowly sapped your strength as you went looking for my garden. It was most interesting to watch, oh I was proud like any father could be.

But no need to worry about any of that, your story is done. It never actually was your story, you are merely a chapter of this forest’s story, … or maybe a footnote? Listen. ... Can you hear it? Defenders are approaching. They have been following you from the moment you entered the trees' shade and waited, see how smart they are? Isn't it wonderful?

I said my piece and will leave you now. Good bye adventurers, and let me one last time thank you for your role in helping the forest. I am truly grateful.


Siech0 t1_ixpe1jj wrote

Small fyi, you mistook 'pray' for 'prey'. Otherwise fairly good.