
Dvorkam t1_j5j7ad2 wrote

The meta-tumor event is to this day used in the psychology, philosophy and ethics publications as a definite proof of overall goodness of humanity. Following is a brief account of events that took place.

It started in February 2023, when radiation from IK Pegasi (or HR 8210) supernova reached the Earth. Within days emergency rooms all over the world began to fill with people suffering debilitating migraines, very soon a diagnosis has been announced, every single human on earth had an abnormal cell growth at the the orbitofrontal cortex. Panic engulfed the world for a few days, but then a miracle. Within a week an observation has been made. People who had yet to reach 33 years off age, displayed lessening of the symptoms, and scans confirmed that the cell growth has stopped and began to diminish, projections estimating that within 2 months, it is to disappear, the humanity sighed a breath of relief, it would survive, however the fate of 3.7 billion people was uncertain. The mass kept growing, and just like young were expected to recover within 2 months, the rest seemed to have around 2 moths left.

Hope for many came in the discovery, that the growth is not cancerous, and not only that, but due to its also operable. High risk and complex surgery was deemed as a best bet for all, however the resources and time remaining ensured that not even close to all people would receive treatment on time. With around 50 000 neurosurgeons around the world, able to work at most 18h a day for 61 days on what was expected to be idealistically an 8 hour surgery only 6.9 million people, or about 0.2% of the patients, could be saved. But the real number was expected to be lower. The work began immediately.

The decision on who will receive treatment, fell usually to the ruling body of the respective country. As can be expected, while significant push has been made to make the decision based on societal importance. And to a lesser or smaller degree most countries made an effort to adhere to this decision. It has been clearly documented, that the wealthy have received the treatment at an abnormally disproportionate rate. Of people whose wealth has been estimated to exceed 1 million dollars, 1.7% have been treated, 83% of those whose wealth exceeded 10 million dollars, 93% of those whose wealth exceeds 100 million dollars, and only 2 people whose wealth exceeds 1 billion dollars have been confirmed untreated. overall of the 6.5 million people who have been treated it is estimated that 3.1 million have received the treatment for other than merit reasons. We mention this as one of the last significant display of societal selfishness to have ever occurred.

On April 15th the event we now call metamorphosis happened. At the moment after the apex of the symptoms, the cell growth was suddenly and in a to this day explained process absorbed into orbitofrontal cortex, ending all the associated side effects and in the words of the most affected "Gave them access to the knowledge and a creation process." By those unaffected, the best description often used was, that they gained limited ability to use magic. We say limited, because while the effect to which they could utilize this ability was virtually limitless, after an unknown level of use, the affected simply expired.

The major documented uses, are for the lack of better word wonderous or awe inspiring are numerous. Probably the most apparent was an effort of 25 238 prominent astrophysicists and engineers, who used their ability to create a Dyson sphere and an automated facilities on Venus, several object of asteroid and Kuiper belt, that seem to be designed to sustain the sphere for the foreseeable future. On earth a number of power stations designed to receive the laser from the Dyson sphere and convert it to electricity were also created. These too are fully automated and were integrated into all the existing power grids.

Another group composed of predominantly chemists and biologists, seeded the world's deserts with a bacteria, that metabolizes atmospheric carbon dioxide and sunlight to expel a carbon based fertilizer. As the CO2 levels approach 280 ppm in atmosphere, their activity appears to subside. The fleet of satellites covering whole world with internet access, while temporary in a sense, that it will need to be maintained if it is to be last more than few decades, it gave access to education to all who desire it, to name a few. But majority of the events were of small local effects. Rivers cleaned, fields rid of weeds, wells dug, trees planted, indoor plumbing, on and on it went.

You may notice, that so far I have listed only positive impacts. That is not by accident. While we know hundreds of thousands of people did use the ability to benefit themselves, we also know that the effect of any malignant use of the abilities has been immediately countered by others despite the consequence, which brings us to the most significant observation of the event.

The number of people, who wanted to use the power in manner, that would hurt or in other way negatively impact someone else, was not insignificant. However, every single one of attempts have been countered by other person with abilities. The notable thing about this was, that apparently only way to counter other user, was by annihilating both. An yet as far as we know, all the attempts at misusing this ability has been thus stopped. still leaving billions of people who used their power to benefit others.

Long has there been a discussion about overall a goodness o the humanity, the fact that all these people knew, that if they use their abilities, they will die, as far as we know they all did, and almost absolute majority have done so to help others. Another 2 months after the abilities appeared, no users were left. Last 10 recoded people to have the abilities used their power to make all firearms, rockets including ICBMs, heavy weaponry and facilities that were made to build them disappear.

Current energy and food abundance we experience has retarded any attempt to restart weapon productions as nobody currently has strong enough incentive to assist in its creation. And while governments remained as were, and are technically in power their power is severely limed, as they are unable to persuade people to enforce their ideas. In most countries, this new reality has been accepted.


Dvorkam t1_ixnx445 wrote

I truly take no pleasure in this turn of events dear adventurers, I have no desire to kill you, as the matter of fact I will not, no, it is not necessary, but you see, you are the living ... for now ... proof, that my forest is finally ready for me to leave.

Let me tell you, what is the role you currently play. The forests have changed with the advent of gamekeepers and hunters. Before them, a positive cycle of life and death was maintained, as forest spread, more prey could live in it, more prey allowed more predators to thrive, and their dead remains in turn soiled the ground, and on and on it went. But humans try to kill all the predators, they hunt them for trophies, they hunt them to make shepherds’ life easier, they break the balance, and in doing so slowly kill the forest. Deers and other prey overpopulates, they eat the grass and the sapling, trees stop growing, and insect have nowhere to breed and will not pollinate and don't get me started on the lumberjacks. No, I decided, that will not do.

I started small a dark groove in the middle of the forest, far from you, where only the strong or fast survive. But death of the weak serves as the fertile ground for the most delicious and aromatic herbs, which draws in prey as well as hunters. Weak and dimm die, strong get stronger, fast get faster, all survivors get smarter, on and on it goes.

Is it my fault, people who stumbled upon this groove are weak AND dimm? I knew sooner or later someone like you will be sent to find and defeat the 'evil' in the middle of the forest. Hence the second line of defence. Mushrooms.

Oh yes, animals are smart enough to shy away from the wonderful spores. Spores that slowly sapped your strength as you went looking for my garden. It was most interesting to watch, oh I was proud like any father could be.

But no need to worry about any of that, your story is done. It never actually was your story, you are merely a chapter of this forest’s story, … or maybe a footnote? Listen. ... Can you hear it? Defenders are approaching. They have been following you from the moment you entered the trees' shade and waited, see how smart they are? Isn't it wonderful?

I said my piece and will leave you now. Good bye adventurers, and let me one last time thank you for your role in helping the forest. I am truly grateful.


Dvorkam t1_ixc229k wrote

You remember Richard, a bully at an elementary school, one day he pushed you so hard, you fell and broke your arm. He laughed. With tear filled eyes, you wished he didn't, you wished he stopped bullying everyone, but nothing happened no matter how much you wished it. At first.

He continued to bully other children, and you kept wishing he would stop, and day by day, you could see a change. His demeanor changed, he slowly grew subdued, tired, bags under his eyes grew and colored and one day he just stopped. He set in his chair, face in his hands on the verge of crying. He was tired for reasons he didn't understand, but knew it was due to his bullying.

You knew all this, and felt the change in him. One day, when he again sat sullen behind his desk, you approached him. He told you to leave, but you knew, he desperately didn't want you to. You hugged him. The feeling of your cast on his chest broke him. He cried, he apologized, he promised to do better, and while at the depths of despair, you hugged him harder. You could feel the relief that flooded into him, relief you, as you now know, allowed him to have. He never bullied anyone again.

15 more years passed, knowing you were different, not understanding why. People who visited you, always left happier. Conflicts rarely started around you, and always ended strengthening the bonds between participants. Even as the world grew darker with plagues and looming danger of war, you stood in the center of island of stability, happiness, in the center of peace. It was on the day the war started in neighboring country, that threatened to engulf the world, when your mother finally appeared to you.

Hestia, the first born child of the Titan rulers Cronus and Rhea. Older than even Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Many thought her a goddess of being a housewife, despite never being married and yet, both Apollo and Poseidon sought her hand and respected her refusal. Zeus too made no effort to change her mind, instead respected her decision to never know other man. Be it god or mortal, they knew, that the power over the hearth is nothing to be trifled with.

Her time has passed, she no longer was permitted to directly meddle in the affairs' of men. But knowing her influence was still needed, she took steps for you to come into being. You, you are a manifestation of humanity's desire for peace and your mother's wish for the same.

'You must be careful,' she told you. 'you are still a mortal, feebler than most, fragile, just like peace, but your power over hearth is as strong as mine. Bring happiness to the houses of those deserving peace.' She kissed you on your forehead, and smiled as she said it. Then she frowned and the world grew terrible for a moment as she added. 'And show them who flaunt it, the power of peace withdrawn.'