Submitted by NewRomanian t3_zhcs3t in WritingPrompts
velabas t1_izlvghv wrote
Those adorations mounted on every church wall and displayed in cheap frames on every Catholic retiree's credenza next to the family porcelain collection, actually got his look spot on. Gaunt, bearded, Kurt Cobain hair but darker. Pictures of Jesus the world over seemed...accurate.
But the most shocking thing about Jesus, who sat there in front of me, surrounded by people hanging on his every word, was that he was white.
Whiter than me and I'm from Minnesota and have Scotish roots. If I run outside naked on a snowy Christmas morning I'll be invisible. I'd only just arrived but before I stumbled upon this scene I was the odd man out (even having accounted for the era and come dressed to blend in). Everyone else: the Romans, the Middle Easterners, were all darker-skinned. I thought that my time machine journey to Jerusalem would have at least proven out the obvious: that Jesus was white-washed over two millennia.
Not true.
There he sat. And there I stood. Confounded.
When my initial shock started to wane that's when I became aware of the fact that Jesus himself, messiah and savior of all mankind, so I read... was staring me down with a rageful resolve that I'd only ever seen from my son when I'd take away a toy as punishment. I grimmaced, but his hard glaring eyes didn't break. Then I picked up on a twitch of his head. An indication to meet.
I walked behind the bazaar wall where he'd been, I don't know, holding court? I don't know how to describe the market-sized adulation. Somehow though he'd placated them to occupy themselves and had escaped. This I knew because now we were alone. He still held that rageful look, and I was still its target.
"What are you doing here, goddamn it?" he hissed, suddenly.
"Goddamn it? That's... out of character. How the hell? You speak English?"
"Ya damn right. I know the noggin' of an American in any century. Just what in tarnation are you doin' here?"
"Are you... are you southern? Wait... I have questions--"
"You better saddle up back on whatever time funky horse you rode in on and get back to your age, or you'll have us both caught out!"
"You're not Jesus you're some guy from... from Texas?"
"I am Jesus, you goddamn neophyte!" He caught himself and continued at a lower volume. "You need to leave here."
"Tennessee? Georgia? I think I can place Alabama and Louisiana but my ear isn't that trained. You're an American, that's clear to me."
"Why are you here?"
"I built a time machine. I wanted to see Jesus. Wasn't planning on talking to him. In English. In American."
He was muttering under his breath. "First time this has happened..."
"You gotta go. Not the time, not the place."
"Do you speak the languages here? How do they not know you're foreign... and... timeless?"
"You want answers, partner? I ain't got 'em, Sam Hill."
"Tarnation? Sam Hill? Man, what year are you from? Are you Jesus Jesus or have I stumbled into some off-putting parallel dimension where you've found yourself comically replacing him? But then how can you speak Aramaic?"
"I'm busy saving the world, fella. There's your answer, now skeedattle!"
"But wait--!"
He'd given me once last hard glare before he turned and shuffled back out into the bazaar.
I had to sit down. I sat on an old basket full of soddy woolen sheets. A million questions still rolled around my head. But the questions were so non-sensical, the situation so bizarre, that my brain couldn't do anything. I could hear myself laughing, and I floated up into a morbid out of body experience, observing myself sitting there in the dark, a time traveler in the midst of discovery.
After ten minutes of this, I came to my senses. I went back to my time machine and initiated the return trip. A flash of light, and I was back in 2022, in Foley, Minnesota.
Everything looked the same. Same furniture, same house, same doting family. Same Netflix line-up, same neighbors and cars. I drove around. Same town. Same church. I should've been glad that I hadn't irreversibly changed anything, but all I could think was... what the Sam Hill is going on?
I had to go back. Because, honestly... wtf.
Great_n_powerful_ODD t1_izmciih wrote
Love the light hearted comical take. Kinda gives me dogma vibes.
Totally_Not_Thanos t1_izmdc1y wrote
Lol if Jesus is southern then Satan must be from the Bronx
Rhinohuman t1_iznenl8 wrote
Jerusalem, 2000 years before it all got out of hand. The mission my superiors had sent me on was clear and simple. Take a picture of Jesus Christ and confirm his existence then get the computer in the 70s. Easy. I didn’t stand out. I wore the same clothes as the folks around me. Perhaps the colour of my skin was a bit out of place, but nobody seemed to notice.
“Son, hurry up. You have only half an hour left to finish your mission. We can’t risk you getting stuck in the past. We won’t risk another H.G. Wells, besides there is more to do. We need you to find the 1975 computer as well. This is just our little side project,” the general told me as I felt his voice inside of my head. The past does have its advantages. At least there were no forced microchips in the heads of these people. “Sir, yes, sir,” I quickly answered.
I saw a crowd surrounding a dark, tall man. His beard seemed clean, so did his long black hair. The man spoke in a language which I did not understand. It was time for modern technology to do its thing. I snapped four times with my fingers. The translation machine immediately did what it was meant to do. Could this be him?
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind,” the intriguing man said to a young boy. His voice sounded a bit peculiar. I tapped twice on my forehead in a specific manner to get in contact with the general. “General, this man is preaching the bible. Could this be him?” I asked as the camera seemed to confirm my suspicions as well. “Positive, son. Take the picture and get the hell out of there,” he answered.
I took out the camera and took a few pictures of the man who I assumed was Jesus Christ. It was done. The mission had succeeded. As I walked out of there, I decided to look at the pictures. The man had stared right at the lens of the camera. Twice. This was odd, but nothing uncommon. I mean, Napoleon had stared at the camera and everything was fine after that. Same goes for Alexander The Great.
“Sir, I got the pictures. The software is positive, this is Jesus Christ. Take me back.” “Sending you back now, Fredrick. Well done!” The general sounded enthusiastic. Just then I felt a huge electric shock in my head. I dropped the camera and it was immediately broken. Damn it, Apple…
“What is this?” A man with strong facial features asked. Did this man follow me? “Nothing of interest to you,” I quickly answered as I grabbed the broken camera. The camera still seemed to work just a little bit. It recognized the person in front of me as Judas! Incredible. “You’re Judas?” I asked way too quickly. “Yes, I am,” he answered. He didn’t seem to be surprised. “Who are you?” he asked. Suddenly we both heard footsteps quickly coming towards us. It was him. It was Jesus.
“What in tarnation is the meaning of this? What are you doing here?” he asked. He seemed incredibly angry with me. I decided to play it off. “Jesus, you want me to-“ Judas asked as he was interrupted. “Leave, please,” he responded. Judas left as Jesus turned to me. I decided to answer him. “Messias, I came to gander upon your greatness. I believe in Him as well.” “Perhaps you do, perhaps you don’t,” he answered as the camera went out of my hands into his. He didn’t reach for it. It moved out of itself. After that I felt a huge headache for just a few seconds.
“Your technology is destroyed,” Jesus told me. I was a bit angry now. “My Lord? What do you mean? I came here to reassure the future human race of your existence. Why would you deny us of your existence?! This is preposterous!” I responded. “No. We’ve all been warned of your kind. Mohammed, Moses, me. We know of you. We’ve been warned.” This frightened me to my core. What was this being truly capable of? What did he know? I thought religion was some sort of joke. Not only does Jesus know that I’m from the future, but he also knows of Mohammed and Moses. How? I am not really a true believer, but is Jesus really God?
“Jesus, how do you know all of this?” I asked. He didn’t answer me. Instead he touched the place between my eyebrows. Shocks went through my body as I was teleported. I felt it.
I opened my eyes. Planes flew above me. Cars honked as I quickly walked away. Where was I? I sped towards a trash bin where I found a paper. October 26, 2000… This is bad. I need to fix my time travel method…
1timegig t1_iznfso4 wrote
The devil did have to go down to Georgia after all
nolo_me t1_iznh0fz wrote
I think you've got your biblical timeline a bit off, Moses was Old Testament. Every Jewish fella would know who he was.
ProfessionalWeak3156 t1_iznjg8r wrote
Uhm did something happen 26th of October 2000
Rhinohuman t1_iznmm26 wrote
Ah, I’m just gonna blame the main character on that one for being untrustworthy. Thx for reading though
OrwellianUtopia1984 t1_iznngkr wrote
Yes. Jesus teleported a guy there.
Rogarhel t1_iznvvr4 wrote
It was a rushed decision, but after using all his logic building this machine, faith took control and he just knew where he wanted to go first. As soon as the flash of light blinded him, he felt his weight pulling him down as he started to fall. Still blinded he felt the impact and how his shin snapped. Agony got there before his sight, so he was graving his broken leg screaming in pain when he noticed where he was laying.
He knew the land would be different and some variation must have occurred in over 2000 years, he did the math and tweaked the machine so he would appear near Jerusalem in the year 32. But he never thought he will fall 9 meters right in the middle of town.
People were already forming a circle around him and kids were hiding behind their mother's skirts. Pain was excruciating and tears mixed with sand were blinding him a little, but he managed to see the tanned and bearded faces of people around, some scared and others curious. Someone shouted something and he felt as two strong armes lifted him and started pulling him away, unconcerned about his leg hitting the ground leaving a bloody trail. Some screamed scared and run to tell what they saw, others just went on with their lives.
A door closed and someone asked him something but he didn't understand. Of course he didn't. "How stupid of me" he thought after realizing he jumped in time thousand of years back without even taking a dictionary. He managed to open his eyes and clean off some dirt and found himself in a room with the drapes closed. Three men were watching him and sharing strange looks, as a woman stood close to the door looking at him in awe. One other was in the corner, talking and pacing back and forth. He looked ragged and covered in dirt, his hair a mess and the beard long. seemed furious, moving his arms and pointing him a couple of times. Suddenly he saw as the man turned and looked him in the eyes. As the man approached he felt scared and attempted to run only to get held tighter by the three men. The ragged man got close, muttered something and kicked his leg. When he was about to scream in pain all he felt was a sudden numbness and then nothing. He looked down to se his bloody leg with the bone back in place and a redness where once was a deep wound.
"You shouldn't be here" I said after tuning in to his dialect. "I'm tired of fanatics jumping back in time and ruining everything for me. You know how hard it is to make people love you and then hate you the next day?" He was looking at me holding his leg, dumbfounded. "Other have arrived at better times but you had to get here right today, right?" I yelled at him again. "I don't... I don't understand. My lord?" He said mumbling. "Yes you stupid weak" I replied. "It's me, Yeshúa, Jesus, Jesús, whatever you call in your time the son of god" It was tiring. "But not in this timeline anymore thanks to you. Now those people out there think I invoked you from the heavens, or you are some angel, or whatever. And that will only reinforce their faith in me" I reached images ahead of time and peaked at the future. "Ooh yes, this one is rich. Rome comes to get me in a couple of months so I can invoke for them an army: they take me, kill me after failing to do so, my followers revolt and are killed.... And that's the end of Christianity thanks to you" The man was muttering confused, asking for forgiveness and trying to understand at the same time. " Enough of your nonsense " I finally said. "I'm tired of you people" Right then the machine started to pull him back and a tear opened behind him. But right when it was pulling him inside, I graved him by the shoulder and closed the tear. "Ow no, not this time. The last one was the last person I promise to send back. You are staying and helping me to make this less painful for me"
The ragged man spoke to the bulkiest of the three man back in their dialect and he took me, and dragged me back to the streets, where people muttering and cheered as we went out.
GForceHangover t1_iznwmqd wrote
I’d spent twenty years on the design and another ten years begging, borrowing, and stealing for the nuclear fuel and capacitors, all for one shot. Mercifully, all the time spent waiting in dark Bulgarian alleys, fields in Kazakhstan, and in the foothills of Pakistan gave me lots of time to think about how I would use the machine. There was no way to travel more than about 2,200 years in the past due to load calculations. Odds of a capacitor failing were high and there wouldn’t be enough time to make another from scratch before I died even if I had all my tools and equipment from a few years in the past. My hands were withered, my body twisted by the time and effort. I’d given everything for this moment and I wanted it to count. I shipped the machine to Israel.
It was no small feat getting radioactive material past the inspections. The last of my money went to bribes and all the lead shielding, but, finally, I stood by Galilee next to the rusted shipping container holding my machine, the gentle lapping of water by my feet as the engine’s low whine steadily rose in pitch.
I entered the tiny hatch and crammed myself inside. Instruments and displays jammed uncomfortably into me as the whine became deafening. The year was set. A small light on the panel shifted to yellow, then green. I felt my finger depress a key and there was a loud bang, tremendous disorientation, then… nothing.
I came to in the dark, gently rocking back and forth. I was alive! As I cracked the hatch, smells of ozone and burnt plastic gave way to the soft spice of spring wind. The shore was barely visible in moonlight. Of course! Galilee was deeper then! A foolish oversight. I removed a small life vest from the seat, my carefully chosen robes, and a small, inflatable raft and began to tow my creation to shore.
A few carefully placed cloths concealed my work and I stood, exhausted on the shore. A couple of young men had come down to the shore to push off and regarded my elderly bedraggled form quizzically. They spoke in… Aramaic? I’d had to make choices about what I studied. I responded in Koine Greek.
“I am looking for someone. Can you help me?”
The first man glanced at the second who spoke up in heavily accented Greek.
“You’re a traveler?”
Success! I responded.
“Yes. I have come to seek the one they call Jesus of Nazareth. Does he teach here?” I held out a coin I’d paid a small fortune to obtain at a pawn shop as a tip for information. The man affirmed. “I have half now, half when we get to him.”
Fishers must have been as poor as it was recorded as both men enthusiastically led me further down the shore. It was a mercy their Greek was so poor that I didn’t have to explain my own stilted skills or attempt to fall back to my high school Latin. They were quite hospitable, fed me, and allowed me to ride in their cart as they led the ass along a Roman road. What a privilege to see one with my own eyes. The past! I could scarcely drink it all in before I heard an increasing din of a crowd.
There had to be two thousand or more people all waiting on a hillside. Children playing, old men gesturing angrily, and others seem to have made a picnic out of it. After a few confirming conversations, I paid my guides who enthusiastically made their way from me into the crowd. I would be unlikely to last here; strange food, strange disease, cultural misunderstandings, broken equipment, but it would be worth it. In moments, I would see Him.
A voice boomed in Greek over the din and the crowd silenced.
All eyes turned to a slight man with a small entourage emerging down by the shore. Could it be?
I suddenly became aware of this man’s outstretched hand, pointing my way. Members of the crowd fell prostrate as this man walked past.
“YOU DO NOT BELONG!” That… was not in Greek. That was accented… Latin?
The crowd parted and suddenly I was aware of this man’s fixated eyes as he marched toward me, seemingly blind to his followers. I was too frightened to speak.
“You are out of place, traveler.” Not Latin… Italian? He looked frustrated at my face. Then he spoke in halting English, “You understand me now?”
I nodded. It seemed the world stood silent around me.
“No much time. You… break it all. You go. Back to your machine.”
I stammered in English. “Y.. you know me?”
“I heard of you. Told to look for you here. Father watches. You go back to your machine NOW!”
(I’ll add more shortly. Off to work!)
TheHumanPickleRick t1_iznxbf3 wrote
"Laurent Gbagbo takes over as president of Côte d'Ivoire following a popular uprising against President Robert Guéï. Bret Hart retires."
So Jesus sent this guy back in time to become a warlord of the Ivory Coast.
ballrus_walsack t1_izo5ni3 wrote
He was in a bind…
Gregistopal t1_izododl wrote
I’m excited to read more this is the best one yet
asimo101 t1_izolcgj wrote
Looking forward to more
crfnalti t1_izop0k2 wrote
Taking one for the team, what's dogma?
crfnalti t1_izop6ak wrote
"I saw Jesus"
"Yes, people around the world all see Jesus.."
"And he was like.. mega pissed that I time travelled there."
"He was what?"
Looxond t1_izopp4t wrote
Jesus is the first JoJo according to part 7
reeko1982 t1_izoqn9x wrote
It’s a very funny Kevin Smith film with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, about the hypocrisy of Catholicism. Great supporting performances from Alan Rickman, Chris Rock and Salma Hayek.
jex0 t1_izor16p wrote
dardios t1_izotho9 wrote
No mention of Carlin?
outflies t1_izov2kx wrote
didn't expect to see bulgaria in a prompt but i'm happy that it's in this one
GForceHangover t1_izovlq6 wrote
I had expected awe in quietly seeing the supposed Son of God; the highlight of my long life of dedication. To touch Him. To hear His voice. I could treasure an experience as the only person alive in my time to do so, perhaps even to bury myself and the machine in the sea to disguise my experience. I did not expect to be scolded, huddled in the fetal position as 2,000 Israelites stared with fear as their Prophet berated a stranger in a language that would not be spoken for 1,500 years.
I finally found my voice, “L-Lord, how do you know me?”
He glared down at me, seemingly indecisive for the first time since I had seen Him. He turned and spoke quickly to the group (the Apostles?) standing fearfully behind Him.
The men began to shout at the crowd and shoo them away. The man I believed to be Jesus looked at me again and extended His hand. “Come. Lots broken. Walk.”
The crowd disbursed unhappily, but also with deference and awe. I took His hand and he pulled me up, then hurried me back in the direction of my machine.
I tried to get me bearings. “Are you Jesus?”
He glanced at me and kept walking, hurrying me along.
“I… I need to know!” I planted my feet. “If you know me I have traveled further than anyone ever has to see you. I have to know.”
He stopped, braced Himself and turned with fury in His eyes. “Sad question. You hear stories and think I am God? SMALL thinking! TOURIST! Come!”
He continued down the beach and I hurried to catch up. I spoke again in Koine, “Why is my thinking small, Lord? Help me understand.”
He spoke in Greek while maintaining a hurried pace, “We can’t catch all of you. People who want to grab a piece of the history and take it like a barbarian, a thief. You understand nothing of our work.”
I ran ahead, blocking Him. “Then make me understand! I’ve come so far!”
“Does it occur to you that there is more to life than knowledge and the small-minded memories you collect like the ornamented tombs of the rich? More than mountaintops and records to be broken? I am here to keep billions from tragedy and disaster! To you, I am some artifact who seems strange and antiquated because you have no context! You could live a thousand times and still not comprehend the simplest lesson because you are a vapor! A mist! Your existence is only meaningful because you, a child, use the fundamental structures we have built as a toy when it is equipment built with purpose. You see a single page of a book and presume to know the whole text! You are an irritant! An insect that bites the horse and crashes the cart. People need to hear the words I tell them. A single brick among billions is put in place. Do you understand? You interrupt the infinite.”
I stood in silence. The language lacked the complexities He likely needed to convey the grand ideas He referenced, but it made me feel like a scolded child. I was just a tourist, transgressing on a sacred space for my own petty wishes, touching the face of God like it was a trophy with no grasp of what I interrupted. Grander purposes could truly be at play and I, in 30 years of pursuit, could only think of my own narrow, tawdry wishes.
We walked the rest of the way in silence. He walked to my covered craft and threw back the burlap sheet. He disappeared inside a moment, spoke quietly to Himself, then emerged.
“Your ship will get you home now. Do not return.” I looked inside to see that several wires had been removed and reconnected with other parts broken. It looked rather like a hot wired car as the familiar whine began.
I paused and looked at Him and took Him in for the first time. He seemed so ordinary. I had to ask.
“I… I have to ask before I return; are you the Christ? Is it true?”
He shook his head. “When you look at a mirror or an image of yourself, is that you? Would a person who looked at you know your fears?”
He turned away and spoke looking at the sun. “That’s what you say I Am. I suppose that will do.”
The whine reached its apex. I closed the door. Bang. The sting of ozone filled my nostrils. I had touched something that filled me with awe; both wonder and terror. As I opened the latch, I found myself back at the Sea of Galilee with Israeli soldiers headed my way. They shouted at me, but I ignored them. I suddenly felt very small.
GForceHangover t1_izoy9rf wrote
You can buy anything in Bulgaria.
reeko1982 t1_izp0150 wrote
And an immense cameo from George Carlin!
HellaGayHellaFast t1_izp6nnr wrote
I was born. Also the PS2 hit american markets.
anwk77 t1_izptz8e wrote
Bret "the Hitman" Hart?
The_Vain_Gentleman t1_izpv5ut wrote
This is so exceptionally well written, kudos
GForceHangover t1_izq1f7i wrote
Well, thank you. Hadn’t written a short story in a bit. I kinda like the idea of Lovecraftian Jesus meets A Wrinkle In Time.
AutoModerator t1_izlhs1c wrote
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