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AShellfishLover t1_j6fykfl wrote

Notes: This story is told about a surviving Maenad, the mad women of Dionysus. It also makes reference to the Leanan Sidhe of Celtic myth.

Having spent time in a few church halls I wanted to tell a story similar to qualifications without taking any particular story. While some can be funny and others frankly a bit boring, everyone who comes to meetings has heard stories that have a mix of the themes here. It is part of the human condition and, so, felt like one that would be fitting for the tale.

If you are or anyone you know is having issues with substances reach out to available resources in your area. here's a good link for substance abuse assistance in the US. I swear that, while it may seem dire, it can get better, and you are worth taking the time to help yourself, even if you don't feel that way right now.


Critical_Vermicelli5 t1_j6g85yu wrote

holy shit dude....... that was amazing

i almost cried when she was telling her story, you really wrote that well


AShellfishLover t1_j6gupbb wrote

Thank you. I'm glad I was able to make you feel! I hope you have a great day tomorrow!