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Ishouldbeworking01 t1_j5l9pab wrote

"Welcome to Returns, your speaking with Jill, who can we bring back for you today?'

"Hello Jill its Bill Gregory"

"Mr Gregory- what a pleasure it is to hear from you again, has it really been a year already?"

"Please call me Bill and its that time again for sure"

"Ha I cant do that, you know how Mr Gorgon-the duke of the undead, ruler of the un-life- may his reign last for 10000 years feels about proper titles" Jill said with a chuckle

Bill Chuckled back at her, while she started typing on her computer.

"Let me just bring up your file - lets see here, ah look at this with this one you have almost filled out your resurrect 9- get the tenth free card. that's always a good deal for our frequent customers"

"so just the normal package again Mr Gregory, or would you like to upgrade for a longer stay?"

"no thank you- just the normal 24 hours, I don't think I could stand any longer"

"Not a problem, what do you have planned this time?" Jill asked as she tapped away on her computer

"Maybe something with fire or maybe take him out shooting?" Bill replied "most of the time I just make it up on the spot"

"Fair enough- that's all set for you I've booked in the time and updated Mr Gorgon-the duke of the undead, ruler of the un-life- may his reign last for 10000 years, calendar. just do the normal bank transfer and we are all set"

"Thank you Jill- you have a good one now"


I get the ping that a new job has been added, and I open my eyes, the gem in my forehead begins to glow bright green, the light spreads across my bones replacing the long dead flesh with new muscles, blood and skin, until I'm fully formed again and I step out of my upright coffin and look at the update.

Ah Mr Gregory, that time again.

I gather the darkness from the corners of the room and spin it into a robe for me to wear, as I'm walking I click my finger's and the skulls along my walls light up- fueled by their souls- sometimes I can hear a very faint screams but this just adds to the ambiance and people love a show.

Some think Necromancy is monstrous and goes against the natural order of life but I say, its just the same as capitalism or Influencers and everyone shuts up real quick.

I'm just offering a service which a lot of people pay a lot of money for.

But what everyone doesn't know is Necromancy takes a lot out of you and you always get some cross over form the dead your reviving, some thoughts and feelings, actions on how they lived life.

And this job for Mr Gregory to bring back his father always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

After what his father did- I know what true evil is.


Zyrian150 t1_j5luqd5 wrote

Oh no. What'd he do


Ishouldbeworking01 t1_j5lvqsh wrote

He was the man that suggested adding the second un-skipable ad to Youtube-

I'm joking I will leave it open ended and you can fill in the blank with what ever unspeakable crime that would make a man that raises the dead recoil