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KingBsoul t1_j6j04et wrote

"Do i belive in a life after death?" i quietly asked myself in a low whisper.the question was live in my mind because i had resently been told my life was going to end.

"Well it's easier on myself and others to say that, yes there is". That was the first anwser that came to mind and a correct one "But do i belive that? Do i want to?" "How would it even work, is it my soul that goes to the afterlife? Am i my soul? Or is that just a battery for my mind to simulate me"

These kinds of thougths had occationaly been at the forefront of my mind when out and about. Taking up mindspace and paying rent with dread. And again i came to the same conclution i always did.

"Does it matter, and if not, why not?" It's was quite hard not to think about these things now. Given the figurative hourglass of life i had been shown.

"We have so many ideas of how things are after death. It would be impossible for only one of them to be right, all the ideas of the afterlife was made for the purpose of reasurance and to help with grief" I was rather selfaware of the pessimistic view I was looking at, but i couldn't really help it, given my current situation: Which was on a hospital bed, feeling a sad mix of awefull and dreadfull.

"But yes, it does matter, atleast to me because it really only does good, thinking positive an' all that" I said, anwsering my own question from before.
Then a magical little voice appeared, which didn't matter in most cases as that was just a name i had given my intrusive secondthoughts, I think.

"But you have never been one for choises, and knowing some science, it's irritating to make compromises in understaning if you have to try and fit religion in to it." it chided in my mind "allways go for the 'all of the above' option if there is one i've allways said, and besides. Most fun things happen if thats done!" came the continuation

"You know what..."I said to my thougths "For once i agree" I agreed "But how would i chose that option" I asked even though i already knew the anwser because, well, it's hard to not have general knowledge of you own thoughts. And anyways, I liked going through a good heap of logic anytime, even on my deathbed apparently.

My thoughts agreeing with my decision started explaining "So we know of that good ol' multiverse theory, with all the things about how the timeline splits whenever an outcome of a purely random event is decided. That way, a singular quantum scale events can have impacts on a macroscale" it began
"So every single quantum event that happens and has ever has happened made more 'timelines' (to chose a word) (Fun trick that, thinking in bracktes). And that was since the big bang. We are also quite sure that the fundamental forces were created therein. Which means that there are 'timelines' that are effectively parrallel universes from popular fiction. In that everything in the universe is enterly different from ours."

"Now. Most quantum events are not a binary system, with only two outcomes, it's the opposite really. Measuring a particle is a quantum event with an infinite continum of outcomes, and just before, we said the timeline splits after a quantum decision, and if there are infnite outcomes then there must be infnite timelines. And in the case of the bigbang, infinite multiverses, all of them different."

"Anyway so what i am trying to say is. That there is room all of it. Any fantasy and belief, any religion and their afterlives and current ones for that matter. And even if the soul doesn't exisist here: Then because there is room for it, your 'soul' must exsist somewhere if nessesary. Infact, you'd have infintly many 'souls', because if you have infinite room, there is always room for more. What im getting at is: You can think what you want and live what you want to, because you are going to do it anyways" my thoughts finnished off.

"Now thats all good and dandy and many other apriciative words. But i would like to be omewhat sure i get something good or atleast fair, but that doesn't seem possible" i gave as a comment to the tirade my thoughts ran me through.

The magical little voice came back with: "Well i have a feeling that that isn't going to matter anymore because, if you take your time to stop ignoring what im not, then you would notice that our suroundings have changed. And i think this isn't our hospital room."

"Thank you, but that wasn't needed" I said as i got out of my bed trying not to think too hard about how i was even able to do that and how i ended up *here* (even though i knew how it still wasn't nice to think about).
I stepped onto the "grass" (because any other word for ground vegitation was more wrong than grass) And made my way a little ways a way and said to myself/my magical little voice: "i have a feeling that our conversations are goin to be a bit of a theme in the... future. If that's what it is in this place", Hessitating because i had a suspicion, then mumbeling under my breath as i began walking away from where my bed had been a few... a little while, ago. "I really hope i don't have to learn a new 'time'. the one Einstein described was weird enough, and space too"

and so a new adventure had a starting place, and it too had an ending, in infinitely many ways, to infinitly many more beginings and endings, never and forever...