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Funandgeeky t1_j6jl69x wrote

For a moment I'm disoriented. I can't feel my arms or legs. I try to move them but there's nothing to move? I'm in darkness and don't know which way is up. Or down.

Why is there no gravity?

I start to hear music. It's low and soothing. It sounds orchestral with a full choir. It puts me in a calm mood as I'm beginning to understand what's happening. I see a light. It begins as a small point and then spreads out. Suddenly I can see where I am.

I'm floating in a spherical chamber that's slowly opening up like a flower. I'm just hovering and I see the inside of the chamber is covered in intricate patterns and designs. As I look beyond the opening sphere I see rows and rows of other spheres. Some opening, some closing, and many more closed. The closes spheres are covered in glowing patterns.

I hear a voice. Well, first I feel the voice so I won't be startled.

"Welcome back. It will take a moment to readjust. Remember that you do not have a physical body. You are a being of light and energy and love. You are infinite possibilities. You are safe and secure in this place."

For a moment my life, or what I thought was my life, washed away. I realized that my existence didn't begin with my birth. It began outside of what three dimensional beings called space and time. Memories came flooding back and I remembered everything. I remembered existing in this, my true form, and I remembered existing as a person. All of the people.

Warmth embraced me as I was guided from the chamber. I still kept trying to walk, and my form briefly sprouted legs. It took a moment to remember that I didn't need legs and I laughed. We all laughed. Such a thing was common and there was no shame in it.

I joined the Sharing. We all gathered after time in the spheres to share what we learned, what new insights into humanity we gained. I now remembered my life more clearly. In fact, with far more clarity than I'd had while on Earth. I saw everything I did and thought. I saw whom I loved and hated. I saw my mistakes. My heartbreaks. My triumphs and failures. And I understood what truly was a triumph and failure, which was far different than my perspective on Earth.

But while I was no longer that person, I also loved that person. I loved being that person, flaws and all. I loved seeing the world through those eyes, feeling the world through those senses, and understanding the world through an all too human mind. Like many of the people I'd been, this person was special and worth remembering.

So I Shared. I spoke of my life to the gathering. I shared what made me special, what made me unique, and what made me worthwhile. I didn't hold back about my flaws and failings. They were part of my story, and they made me who I was. I talked about seeing history through my eyes, seeing the world change, seeing people come and people go. I spoke of good times and regrets. In the end, I spoke about everything I figured out too late.

I listened as others shared. I loved hearing about their lives and insights. That's why we did this. That's why we explored what it meant to be human. Because in the end, despite our true nature, we were still human. We always would be. It's what made us strong and unique in the universe, and I loved who we were.

Finally, it was time to return to the spheres once again. Hopefully this time I'd retain some of my newly gained wisdom. While we could never remember everything, a few things would stick. Maybe I would make better choices? Or maybe I would have more fun. Perhaps my deeds would be larger than life and my mistakes would be legendarily epic. As the sphere closed, a new world of possibilities awaited.

I wondered who I would be this time.