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m-s-c-s t1_j692nsm wrote

Glassmaker chuckled to himself as he circled high above the castle. The small band of mercenaries were armed to the teeth as they tiptoed out of the back gate. Scorching "parlay?" in flaming letters on the meadow in front of the castle had hardly been subtle, but he hadn't quite expected them to simply flee.

No... not fleeing. They carried among their swords buckets of paint. "Terms?"

His wings folded as he dove silent except for the rush of air past his wings, landing daintily behind them.

"I beg your pardon, but would you mind if we simply spoke face to face?"

In hundreds of years, it never got old. He watched them collapse into a disorganized heap of curses and yelps. Some of them even fell flat on their backsides, making a pleasant ringing sound as their shortswords clanked off armor and rock. They exchanged terrified glances, eyes trailing over the huge splashes of cornflower blue paint now covering their armor and swords, shaking like leaves to man.

"Sorry about that. I find it safer to land behind a party when they're armed."

Some sobs. A bit of gibbering. "Now now, none of that. I'm here for Sir Alden Darwin."


"Sir Alden Darwin. Bout yea high. Short red hair. Big toothy smile beneath a big twirly red moustache."

"h-h-h-h-he's not here."

Glassmaker cocked an eyebrow. He opened the palm of his massive hand, and revealed a handful of sapphires, each the side of a robin's egg. "Are you certain?"

He saw the fear flash to greed in the eyes of around half the men. The other half were more sensible. One in the back he looked pointedly at. He knew a man scheming when he saw it.

"You. The leader. Stand up."

A man a few years younger than Alden stood up. "I'm in charge here and--" under the level gaze of the dragon he suddenly found himself at a loss for words.

The schemer, hair steel-gray and more than enough scars to go with the years, spoke up. "Guess the Dragon's in charge now."

"Oh, I don't really go in for that sort of thing. I'm just here to negotiate Alden's release. He missed our luncheon three weeks in a row."

Utter confusion. Two different arguments broke out, and he couldn't help it. The indignant shout of "--some kind of dragon-sized mug of ale?!" made Glassmaker actually burst out laughing.

It took several minutes to convince the mercenaries that the gouts of flame were not on purpose, but the fact that they had been directed well away from even mild singing distance mollified them some.

Lighter a handful of gems (after all, he could always return for a "refund" if they had misled him) he winged his way north and west, scouring the coastline for a barque moored to a dock flying a cornflower blue flag with a -- they had really hesitated to tell him this -- wounded dragon sigil.


m-s-c-s t1_j69ab5x wrote

Cecil was on duty again, but this time his eyes were peeled. He had his wonderful Petra with him to keep him company - and keep him awake. She often visited him during the day to bring him lunch anyhow, and she was enjoying spending a quiet afternoon on a warm summer day people watching. "She truly is made of stone" he'd say with a soft smile, and they would nod as though they understood. They thought of the cold stone floor beneath their feet, but in his mind he was basking on a rock in the sun.

He had started by telling her she was going to think he was crazy. "I already did, so no worries there." But her eyes grew wide as the tale carried forth. She sat in silence for several minutes. Finally, Cecil couldn't take it. "Well what do you think hun?"

" you think I'm invited come with you to tea?" He burst out laughing and smothered her in kisses.

A day dragged by. Two. Cecil was starting to get worried when on day three, during the midday sun when everyone was inside to escape the scorching heat, Glassmaker returned.

"CECIL! I'm getting closer, but I need som--- oh! Hello there!"

Cecil hooked an arm around his wife's surprisingly still shoulders. "Glassmaker, allow my to introduce my wife, Petra!"

She gave a small curtsy and Glassmaker gave a rushed bow. "Lovely to meet you, you MUST join us for tea when I return" (she blushed, thinking he must've overheard earlier somehow) "but right now I'm in need of urgent aid. I need you to paint me like this."

The shimmering green stripes painted atop Glassmaker's dark blue skin were dizzying to look at. The golden spear had been so artfully applied that it really did look like it was making a bloody wound in his side, but somehow it made Cecil deeply worried. One of the townspeople had helpfully tied several bedsheets together and made a sort of false bandage to cover the gory parts.

Glassmaker clutched a sapling-sized flag pole, the cornflower blue bedsheet flapping cheerfully in the wind as he glided effortlessly on the thermals back to the coastline. He could already see the stadium and hear the cheering crowd inside. This would be one tournament they would never forget.

The opening ceremonies would be a declaration of peace, followed by 5 days of games and amnesty for prisoners. All this hinged upon Glassmaker agreeing to land as a sign of blessing for the peace. The plan was kept secret, but special care had been taken to ensure no panic at the event. "Expect something big! It might seem scary, but we promise it's safe."

Safe. He grumbled a little internally. He was not safe. He was kind. Merciful. Even a little silly sometimes he admitted, looking at the stripes and flapping flag.

Something was wrong. The men on the stage were not the men from the boat. The men from the boat were standing on... gallows. The speech ended with "and we take these signs from the gods that these men be declared traitors and executed for their crimes." A smattering of confused applause.

He tucked into a fast dive, slamming to earth in front of the gallows.

"Morcant. Seems things haven't gone to plan."

He was so relieved he could've hugged the beast. "No. The scum at the podium decided war was way more profitable."

"All of them?"

"All except the woman on the far left."

"Sorry, Cecil" he thought, as his jaws opened. He reached for the first on the end, but he paused. No. Let the humans handle it their way. But perhaps he could set them on the right course. He turned in a broad circle, speaking to the crowd.

"The men on the stage were afraid because the men at the gallows had won my trust. I came here dressed as your sigil to honor them. Take what signs from that you will. What say you?"


m-s-c-s t1_j69ldez wrote

Murmurs of confusion rippled through the crowd. A few guards arrived, took one look at the massive dragon painted like their sigil, and immediately stood at attention. Whatever was going on, they were waiting for some goddamn orders.

Minutes passed. Glassmaker paced tensely. What was going on? Impatient, he finally barked "have any of you seen Sir Alden Darwin? Could someone please fetch him?"

The confusion rose in pitch to a dull roar. The soldiers glanced nervously at one another. Glassmaker gritted his teeth. One of them snapped, falling to pieces on the ground. Damn. It'll take a month to regrow that. He pointed a clawed finger at a nearby guard who was looking up with a friendly smile, and silently beckoned him over.

"Soldier, what is going on?"

"I... I was going to ask you that, sir."

Shit. Well so much for that. "Do you know where Alden is?"

"Yes sir. He is in the cells beneath this very stadium."

"Is he safe and well?"

The soldier hesitated, and winced at the look on Glassmaker's face as he noticed the pause. "Well enough. He broke his arm trying to escape last week. HE FELL! Honest! Ask him yourself!"

Glassmaker's expression softened. "Please have him released, given a bath, fresh clothes and any provisions he needs, and have him brought to me at once."

He was going to let Alden figure this nonsense out. But that would take time. He sighed deeply. His voice boomed out "People of..." and he trailed off. Where are we? He leaned to another guard "where are we?"

"Arnun, sir."

"People of Arnun! Clearly there is more to this than meets the eye. A trusted mediator is on his way. In the mean time," he made a c'mon! get playing! gesture to the band, blowing over a few sigils and banners in the process. "We shall celebrate the upcoming peace!"

Confused applause, and a mix of cheers and even a few boos. One woman literally covered the mouth of the woman booing in front of her. "Are you out. Of your. Mind. YOU ARE BOOING A DRAGON."

Glassmaker attempted to stifle another fit of laughter, barely containing a gout of flame from taking out half the stadium.

The band creaked and cranked through every crowd favorite they knew, and then every crowd pleaser they know, and then they played whatever half-remembered songs they could think of. At last, a massive wide red moustache arrived half a stride before the man who grew it.

"GLASSMAKER! I should've known. These folks are a hoot and a holler let me tell you. We ready to get out of here? What the hell is all that paint?"

The dragon shook his head and chuckled. "Apparently there's a bit of a faff going on. These sailors" he gestured vaguely towards the gallows "say that the mob on stage" a stage-ward head wag "were going to cancel the peace and keep the war going. But that lot say that THESE lot were supposed to be executed. How do we get to the bottom of it?"

Alden tried to reach up to scratch his chin with his hand, realized it was in a cast, and switched to his other. He traced a nick from his rushed shave as he thought. He sucked the smudge of blood off the tip of his finger and thought some more.

"Hell, I have no idea. Hey you sailors. What would you have us do with the other people."

One of them belted out "Well we're a little miffed about them being ready to hang us!"

"Heh!" teeny puff of flame "But that's not what I asked."

Morcant looked up. "Easy. Court. Trial. Conviction or acquittal. Sentencing based on the crime. Fair and square. Perhaps more than they deserve. We don't actually have a death penalty." He shot a glare at them.

"In our defense" one of the slightly nervous looking members of the gallows-justice crew squeaked "there was a trial."

A fresh wave of boos and jeers roared from the audience. Bones from the snacks people had brought pelted the stage.

Glassmaker did his toothiest smile, the fresh gap bleeding slightly. "It looks like there has been a new trial, just now. Perhaps their trial was unfair in some way?"

The noise started to peter out. No cheers, no boos. An awkward cough here and there. Morcant frowned.

"What's the matter! Don't want to explain what happened now?" The sailors gave dark laughs.


m-s-c-s t1_j69ynhr wrote

The woman on the far left of the stage shifted slightly in her seat. Finally, she went to slap her hands on her knees as though to get up, thought better of it, and did a slightly more dignified stand from the chair.

Her jet black hair flowed behind her in a long ponytail, swinging softly from side to side as she daintily stepped through craters in the turf. She pulled idly at the sigil on her chain shirt, humming a soft lullaby from Arden.

Alder started at the gentle touch on his shoulder. "Euphemia Gregoria! How lovely to see you again."

She tittered softly, and there was a scent of mint on the air. "I'm having such a wonderful time trying to figure out these people. We were awful close to ending the war, but then this mess happens." She breathed a sigh and the air glittered and flashed in front of her. "These aren't the worst of the lot by a long stretch. I think we can settle this out. Further north, things get a little more dicey."

Alder snorted derisively. A whisker curled up, slightly singed.

"What's going on with these sailors? Why the stretched necks plan?"

"Oh, the usual small village politics. Mismanagement of this, fighting over that. The mayor figured they'd bring 'em out here, let the audience convict them, scare them a bit, see if they confess. The gallows don't even work. Watch." She jumped and grabbed a rope, and it pulled taut and then fell off the gallows limply to the floor. The sailors' faces crashed through anger, laughter, and then finally relief.

She settled back close to Alder. "Honestly, they were hoping to get them to confess to treason but I'm pretty sure they're on the up and up after standing at the gallows and holding true. A bit harsh though. It's true, they don't have a death penalty. They had to design these gallows from looking at a painting! Some influence from elsewhere is at hand. The sigil these people bear is a copy of one borne by a new king. It appears to be based on a real event. A battle."

That got his attention. A dragon downed was a rare thing, but a dragon downed on a field of combat? "Fighting for whom?"

"For them." She gestured expansively at the crowd. "But I haven't been able to find out why. The pair is very secretive."

"Ah. No wonder. I was frankly astonished Glassmaker let them paint him up like that. So a green and a blue. Do we know them?"

"No, but they know us. Keep your eyes wide open here Alder." She shifted her weight to her other leg and shouted up to the stage, "Satisfied Duncan?"

"Sir Duncan" he muttered. "Yes."

"Marvelous! Now, I believe we have a tea appointment tomorrow?"

Glassmaker gingerly slid his head down between them. "Indeed we do. I've invited some new guests as well! Do you know Cecil the Brave Alder?"

Alder's mouth dropped open. "Cecil... the brave? Wife's Petra?"

"THE SAME! They'll both be joining us." His grin looked all the more manic as another drop of blood fell from the gap in his smile.


m-s-c-s t1_j6ahfps wrote

Cecil paced for hours. Where were they? The ceremony should've been long done by now. He glanced nervously at the setting sun, scanning the horizon with all his might for a hint of the dragon.

Glassmaker thudded to a landing, rolling forward awkwardly and collapsing in a massive heap of guttering flame a few hundred paces from the castle. "GLASSMAKER! WHA---" Cecil was already sprinting when the sound of howls of indignation reached his ears.

"DON'T TICKLE ME UNDER THE WING WHILE I'M LANDING! I might've squished a cottage!" Alder lept deftly from the heap, while a strange woman Cecil didn't know rolled on the ground, totally doubled over with laughter, tears streaming down her face. As she stood up, still chuckling, he saw her flick something away from her eye and slowly regain her composure.

"Ah if it isn't Cecil the Brave and the lovely Petra!" Alder strode towards them as Petra snorted back laughter.

"I don't think you're living that one down any time soon, dear."

"Allow me to introduce Euphemia Gregoria! Friend, colleague, and fellow tea guest!"

As she walked forward to shake their hands, Cecil noticed what looked like icicles hanging from her eyelashes. She quickly brushed them away. "Cold at altitude up there!"

Alder clapped her on the shoulder warmly. "Well, let's find some lodging. Glassmaker, tomorrow as the sun crests the treeline, edge of the woods? I'll bring the water and leaves, you bring the heat!" The dragon gave an approving poof of flame and hove into the air.

"Oh! Alder, what shall I bring to tea tomorrow?"

"You bring yourself Cecil, and Petra too of course!"

"We would nevershow up to such a grand invitation empty handed!" Petra's face furrowed into a worried frown.

Euphemia looked pensive for a moment, and then spoke with firm conviction. "Bring some limestone scrap if you can get it. It's basically dragon biscuits. It'll help his tooth come back in too."

"Like... the rock?"


Cecil led them back through the gates and on a grand tour of the village, with Petra pointing out all the important places. They took a brief detour to the mason to pick up several pounds of limestone scrap. They arrived at a small inn near the center of town. "This is where we part ways! See you midmorning!" Alder waved cheerfully, and Cecil watched his moustache bob away through the doors, Euphemia trailing behind floofing her long hair out of its ponytail.

"Cecil?" "Hmm?" "I never noticed it before, but Alder's breath. It's some spice I've never smelled before."

"Mmm. Yeah, come to think of it."

"Euphemia's smelled of mint."


"Glassmaker's smelled of the same as Alder's."

"What, are you worried they had tea without us?" He bumped her gently with his hip.

She giggled softly and threaded her fingers between his. "No silly. I want to ask them how they did it! We've been using sage, but I want minty breath!"

He stopped at a stall nearby to buy a small bundle of mint. Petra used her free hand to work open the coin purse while he held it out. Why stop holding hands when we can work together?

They chewed their mint leaves, ambling on a leisurely stroll to their little cottage.


m-s-c-s t1_j6al8e9 wrote

Cecil was up with the sun. He couldn't help it, he was so excited. He gently lifted Petra's arm off his shoulders and retucked the blanket around her, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. She stirred softly and smiled in her sleep.

Grabbing a spare hammer and chisel from his bench, he set to work on the soft limestone in the field, out of earshot of his sleeping wife. He hadn't carved in ages, but soon his hands found the familiar rhythm as he thought about the past few strange days.

He had known Alder for years, and had been devastated at his capture. The risk to his friend had been immense and he'd been terrified that the war would heat up and the ransomers would resort to more crude methods. They'd received their shared of locks of hair, but he'd heard of towns getting whole hands in a box. He shuddered to even think of it.

Something had changed five or six years ago, gradually growing more and more violent, but they had finally quieted down. So what was bothering him?

Distracted, he missed and chipped the wrong part of his little limestone sculpture, and left a long gouge along the top. Damn. He shaved it smooth again and refocused on the task at hand.

When Petra found him in the yard, he was carving the third and last large piece of stone. "Oh! It's been years since you carved! Are those the castles Glassmaker visited?"

"Two of them are. This third one is further north. They say there's a new king there."

She saw the look of worry flash across his face.

"My rock, I've heard... rumors. Rumors of huge battles with many dead, and no winners."

They sat in silence for several minutes.

"I've heard a rumor too." Cecil looked up. Petra took a short breath. "The rumor said that dragons were in the battle. I'm worried about Glassmaker. I'm worried about our home."

"Me too."

She sat next to him on the ground, and laced her fingers into his. "We'll ask them about it at tea. Let's start our walk."

He packed the castles carefully in straw in a sack. Petra held out a piece of jerky from a pouch on her belt. Hand in hand they started towards the edge of the woods.


m-s-c-s t1_j6at3c2 wrote

As they reached the edge of the trees, they could already hear Glassmaker struggling to contain his laughter as muffled jets of flame shot into the air, followed soon after by Alder starting another bawdy limerick.

"--and then the baker's wife says, that's not flour!"

A gout of flame roared out of Glassmaker 30 feet into the field, singing the tips of the grass and sending a family of rabbits scattering.

"Aim higher! Don't want to burn down the neighborhood old friend! Cecil! Petra! So glad you could join us! Oooh, what's in the sack?"

They looked at the blanket laid out with some fine bread, honey butter with sesame seeds, a flagon of wine, a snifter of whiskey, and a huge glass jug of water.

"Limestone! To help our growing boy's teeth come in bright and strong!" Petra cheerfully hummed a song her grandmother used to sing when she was making dinner. It was in the southern dialect that she didn't learn until she was older, and it seemed the words were ever changing, so all she could remember is the tune and the last few lines. She broke into song anyhow, making up some new words for the first half. "Castles for dragon's teeth, grinning he shines! Biscuits for fair friends, sharing their rhymes! Ice in the whiskey, fire in the wine, the drink may be risky, but brings with it time."

She smiled to herself and looked up to see everyone staring at her except Cecil, who was staring at them staring at her.

"Wh..." Euphemia's voice quavered. "Where did you hear that song?"

"Have... have I offended you? My grandmother used to sing it at dinner when I was a child. The start was always different, but the last few bars were always the same. I finally learned what they meant when I was older."

"No you've done nothing to offend us! It was beautiful Petra." Alder put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "This song is very old. There are few who know it. Where was your grandmother from?"

"Arden. Why?"

Cecil put a comforting arm around his wife's shoulders. "What's going on? What's so important about the song?"

The three exchanged glances.

"Petra, do you trust Cecil?"

"WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!" She snapped back, fury flashing across her brow. Euphemia smiled gently. She cooled. "Of course. To the ends of time."

Suddenly Alder and Euphemia were gone, and in their place were two dragons, each double the size of Glassmaker.

They bowed gently. "My queen."

--and that friends, is where I'll pause for now.


Ilikefame2020 t1_j6b04yy wrote

Dude, you’re comedy is some of the funniest I’ve read in a while. Great response overall. Upvoted.


m-s-c-s t1_j6b0gds wrote

Thank you so much! I'm already thinking about more chapters now :)


SamJam900 t1_j6biys4 wrote

Tell me when you write more! Your style is so fun to read.


Tzaphiel t1_j6cmmjt wrote

Please tell me when you continue this story. I need more of the tale!


Zearkon t1_j6b0o09 wrote

If you keep going on a subreddit of your own let me know, I loved reading this!


Bryggyth t1_j6ba3ry wrote

That was a fantastically fun story, thank you for writing it! Definitely one of my favorites I’ve read on here, although I’ve always loved dragons haha.

That last part where we learn Alder and Euphemia are dragons makes the “A green and a blue” from earlier make a lot more sense. I take it the dragons in this world are divided up by color or something along those lines. Also explains why they were totally ok with causing a crash landing on a dragon!


LimeSkye t1_j6cacy2 wrote

Ack! You stopped! Nooooooo! More, please!


Lien417 t1_j6bx5u4 wrote


This is so great omg write more very please ;-;


Maglor_Nolatari t1_j6criuo wrote

Guess I'll have to save this for the future hope you'll write more.


Kam_Solastor t1_j6gs9wq wrote

I really, really, really hope you end up continuing this. It was an amazing read! Thank you.


m-s-c-s t1_j6gvbj5 wrote

I'm at about 8000 words now give or take...


maskedCarson t1_j6mtp7f wrote

this was amazing wow,,, if you ever decide to write more id love to see it !


MajorHunter84 t1_j6av05q wrote

This was a very fun read! If you write more I’d love to read that too!


m-s-c-s t1_j6av4cz wrote

Ya know, I think I have a lot more of the story still in me! Where should I put it though? Just keep adding it to this thread?


MajorHunter84 t1_j6ax5r6 wrote

You could do that, some other authors on this sub post to their own sub when the story starts to get long though.


m-s-c-s t1_j6aymbm wrote

Ooooooooh, I like that idea. Thanks!


Inageby t1_j6an76y wrote

This whole thing is amazingly written and has fleshed out characters. I love it, sounds like a bards tale. Might I steal some of the ideas and use them in a d&d game?


m-s-c-s t1_j6ao5qy wrote

Absolutely not. You cannot steal what is freely given. Take them and use them fellow DM :)


Inageby t1_j6aqkg8 wrote

Cheers. I love your mind. I hope you keep writing to your hearts content.


MikeColorado t1_j6aarvd wrote

You know when it is that long and you don't even realize it, because the flow is so smooth. Well written, nice pacing, if this was a short story or a book, I am certain the only way I would put it down was when I reached the end.


MrRedoot55 t1_j6a9uui wrote

Good work.


m-s-c-s t1_j6aagfa wrote

Thank you! I'm kinda astonished how many people are sticking with me through this tale!


NotAMeatPopsicle t1_j6armoo wrote

Um, YEAH!! I mean, tea with a dragon? After that Rescue? This has a slight whimsy to it that’s not quite Monty Pythonesque, but not not Monty.

Awaiting your next installment like my paycheck.


Eletroboss t1_j6ah46o wrote

Dude/gender-neutral form of dude wrote a flippin' novel in the space of a few messages


m-s-c-s t1_j6aijms wrote

Hahaha! Dude in this case! I hope you're enjoying it as much as i'm enjoying writing it :)


StubbornKindness t1_j6akxpy wrote

It's fucking fantastic. Stick with it, take it easy, enjoy the compliments. And thanks for the enjoyment 😊


m-s-c-s t1_j6amia2 wrote

HAHA Thank you! I'm just having a blast!