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ShikakuZetsumei t1_j4xvgw2 wrote

Jeff placed another potato in the press and watched as another bunch of fries fell into the basket. Back and forth, the repeated motion was soothing on his weary soul. There was no higher purpose here other than making burgers and fries for Frank’s Burger Shack. The food was mediocre at best, and the pay was garbage. But it was everything he wanted in his life these days.

“Frank! Get out here you greedy pig!”

The sound of shattering glass and a woman screaming broke his Zen-like state. Heat more intense than the grill suddenly tickled his back. He turned to find a young man standing in the doorway of the burger joint. The glass panels of the door lay in a shimmering pool at the feet of a hulking demon. Flames curled up the creature’s arms and flitted around the horns atop its head.

There was a softer crash from the office in the back. A few seconds later, a disheveled man burst into the dining room. A red mark on his cheek and a damp spot on his shirt suggested he had been napping. Frank never did more work than was necessary.

Bleary blue eyes blinked at the flaming demon and the ruined entrance of the restaurant. “What’s the meaning of this? What the hell’s going on?”

The young man grabbed a tray and hurled it at Frank. “You think you can treat my brother like that and get away with it?

Jeff let out a soft sigh as he pulled a batch of fries out of the frier. Frank had a nasty habit of verbally abusing his employees. But in a small town with no major chains, there were few stores offering jobs to the younger generation. And Frank knew he could get away with a lot because he was buddies with local law enforcement. They believed in ‘tough love’ as much as Frank did.

“You fired my brother after your negligence caused the accident! Why should you live while his dreams die?” The young man waved his hand at the cowering customers. “Drozamos, kill them! Kill them all!”

But the hellish creature did not move. Instead, its tail curled around its legs, and it bowed its head in subservience.

Jeff finished making the latest order before setting down the spatula. “Drozamos. How’ve you been? Is your partner well?”

Drozamos let out a rumbling growl. “They’re healthier these days, milord. Business is slower with all those exorcists running around. We’re supposed to be careful when coming to the surface.”

Jeff raised an eyebrow. “This is being careful?”

There was an audible gulp before Drozamos said, “It was supposed to be a simple grease fire. But my contractor…”

The ex-employee’s brother sneered. “I paid the price! Bobby just wanted a simple job to make some pocket money. Now, he might never move his hands again! They all deserve to die for supporting this pig!”

Jeff clicked his teeth in irritation. It must’ve happened during the night shift.

“Jeff, you bastard! You know this monster?” Frank, having apparently forgotten the danger, jabbed a finger at Drozamos. “Get that freak out of my restaurant!”

A spike of irritation flashed through his brain. Echoes of a past long abandoned demanded retribution in blood.

Instead, Jeff took a breath and said, “Please shut up, sir.”

A sliver of power slipped out from his control and the air shuddered. Drozamos’s summoner stumbled backward looking pale. A damp spot appeared on Frank’s pants.

“I had a good thing going on here, you know?” Jeff patted the cheap, painted surface of the service counter. “I’d rather not let it go.”

Drozamos responded immediately. “Of course, milord.”

“The people, I can fix. They won’t remember this.” Jeff waved a hand and the customers blinked sleepily. “Let the customers go. They don’t deserve this. They just came in here today looking for a cheap, halfway-decent meal. Not like this town offers much else.”

The young man puffed his chest in rage. “I – ”

But the flames behind him dissipated, allowing the customers to file out in a trance. Once the last car had left the parking lot, Jeff turned to Frank. “I’ll fix this place, but I expect continued employment and no questions asked. Do you understand?”

There was a thud as Frank fainted in fright. Jeff took a breath and reeled in his aura.

“Drozamos, go back. Your mission is complete. Here’s a bit of soul energy as payment.”

The demon blinked in surprise before stammering, “Thank you, milord.”

In a puff of brimstone ash, a portal appeared and swallowed Drozamos. As the smoke cleared, Jeff approached the only person left. The young summoner trembled as he realized he was alone.

“Now then, young man. You and I are going to have a little talk about responsible demon summoning.”


Another quick story today.

If you're interested in my works, the archive of my various writing responses can be found in my writing portfolio, link through my profile. There's also an original story, The Crossroads.

Thanks for reading.


SamuelVimesTrained t1_j4z9vht wrote

I`d like to have a Jeff as employee.
He sounds like a really friendly and responsible .. entity?


ChloeWrites t1_j4z6v7b wrote

Your content is always so well written :') Any tips on writing short stories like this?


ShikakuZetsumei t1_j502rqx wrote

Broadly speaking? Practice writing as often as you can. I've been writing and editing for long enough that flash fictions are completable within an hour or two.

Specifically on flash fictions, keep in mind that space is somewhat limited. I try to keep my responses on this subreddit under 1000 barring extenuating circumstances. Pick a few simple points on world building and character development, and hint at them if you can. Never detail dump if you can help it.

Hope that helps.


MolhCD t1_j4zeoj5 wrote

Ah, one of the pioneer batches of demons, currently in retirement?


Felix001002003 t1_j50w4p4 wrote

That's amazing work man, but because the name from the MC is Jeff I can only picture Jeff Johanson from the game dead by daylight and this is actually so much better XD