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BeneficialWarrant t1_jdu0rmz wrote

While I don't know the full answer, I can assure you that motor deficit does occur with even mild mixed peripheral nerve compression. Weakness and muscle atrophy is a hallmark sign of nerve entrapment, although I agree that sensory effects often seem more immediately noticeable.

Perhaps unconscious proprioceptive feedback circuits modulate motor tone to compensate for mild weakness and ensure normal posture. Or perhaps somatosensory deficit is more bothersome and therefore more consciously noticeable. Or perhaps it has to do with a difference in fiber physiology or myelination. I'd guess it has more to do with the first 2, and its simply that the body is more consciously aware of sensory deficit while mild motor deficit is handled more unconsciously.

Edit: As another person pointed out, the correct answer is that sensory fibers are conveyed around the periphery and motor towards the center of the nerve. Appreciate the love though. I tried my best.


Ohgodgethelp t1_jdv2qs5 wrote

Can the motor disorganization be offset by exercise? Power through it basically?


TheBoundFenrir t1_jdvy1pj wrote

Stronger muscles != stronger nerve signals.

But X muscle fibers working at 85% efficiency > 3X muscle fibers working at 85% efficiency, so someone who works out may find they're less noticeably hampered by the loss in muscle strength, since they had more to spare to begin with.


Ohgodgethelp t1_jdwb702 wrote

True, but does using those muscle groups then trigger nerve growth in order to up the fiber recruitment? Obviously there is going to be a falloff in nerve growth as one ages, just like everything else.


i81u812 t1_jdwjbx6 wrote

I can help (multiple spine issues).

I was big, now im just a little big, but can do the same weight for the longest. Now that it's been a few years of compression I am noticing fatigue doing 'common' things like holding arms and shoulders up too long - yet can still do the heavy weight. So - it's complicated! My first spine doc visit schedule this week. But more or less the size goes real fast, and the strength far slower.