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CrDe t1_ixfmes8 wrote

Short answer : NO
Long answer : A test isn't a scientific object in itself but a mean to search for something that may or may not be scientific. If you are looking for someone with autistic or schizophrenic disorder (i don't like the terminology but that's beside the point) you can use a personality test to help you because these people will have some character traits and behaviors that are link to their particular condition.

As for the personality test used by employers they are all garbage. I did some management classes in college and we had many lessons about hiring methods. Some academics made the effort to do actual studies about it and nothing serious came of it. It fell out of favor nowadays but in the past there was all kind of personality theories employers used based on your handwriting. It was complete pseudoscience.

Personality test is the current pseudo-scientific trend used by employers. If you don't care about the job it's always a pleasure to reply that you won't work with people who believe in pseudo-science.


mayonnace t1_ixh435u wrote

>If you don't care about the job it's always a pleasure to reply that you won't work with people who believe in pseudo-science.

I may actually do that. Companies don't like my personality anyway. For some reason, they assume I have a tendency of lying or destroying stuff. Yet, I've never beaten anyone for not hiring me. In fact, I've never beaten anyone, except that once when I tried to kill someone when I was five or something. But it was an instinct in the heat of fight, I guess.