
CrDe t1_ixk8xhc wrote

It depends,
I have been an ecologist militant for years now, so it pain me a little to admit that so-called green tech aren't so green.

For instance in sweden wind turbine freeze during winter and they have to use anti-freezes that are not eco-friendly.
In France they want to install sea wind turbine but to do that you have concrete the sea floor. They want to do that in areas to would damage the marine ecosystem.
They do kill birds, it's not that much of an ecological disaster when it's pigeons or non-endangered species but when it's in areas with endangered birds it's an other matter.
In Switzerland in winter trough condensation they collected water droplets that turned into ice shards during the night and started to throw these ice shards in the road nearby. People got wounded.

But the main problem is that it's not so cost effective. I don't have the graph in mind but in energy you put in watts for production, exploitation and decommission of wind turbines compared to the watts you get in return is not high. Among the lowest in fact.

If you put them in a windy desert they are great, otherwise it not the safe and clean tech you may want to believe.


CrDe t1_ixfx00r wrote

Almost all of the O2 in the atmosphere came from the cyanobacteria as a waste product of photosynthesis over the eons. As it happen trees, land plants and plants in general are eucaryote cells and eucaryotes have mitochondria that consume oxygen to produce energy. Cyanobacteria that happen to live in water and as there name suggest are bacteria, procaryote, therefore dont' have mitochondria. So it is so much that trees don't produce anything it's just that they also consume what they produce so their total output is marginal compared to organismes that expel all O2 as waste product.


CrDe t1_ixfmes8 wrote

Short answer : NO
Long answer : A test isn't a scientific object in itself but a mean to search for something that may or may not be scientific. If you are looking for someone with autistic or schizophrenic disorder (i don't like the terminology but that's beside the point) you can use a personality test to help you because these people will have some character traits and behaviors that are link to their particular condition.

As for the personality test used by employers they are all garbage. I did some management classes in college and we had many lessons about hiring methods. Some academics made the effort to do actual studies about it and nothing serious came of it. It fell out of favor nowadays but in the past there was all kind of personality theories employers used based on your handwriting. It was complete pseudoscience.

Personality test is the current pseudo-scientific trend used by employers. If you don't care about the job it's always a pleasure to reply that you won't work with people who believe in pseudo-science.