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[deleted] t1_j26nfnz wrote



what_mustache t1_j26pf96 wrote

>Viruses don't want to kill the host,

This isn't really true. Viruses mutate to spread faster. Covid never killed a meaningful number of hosts as it is (from the perspective of spreading), and even the ones that did die can spread it for weeks before they go. This isn't a desease where you get it and die immediately and never was. Covid doesn't really care if you die or clear the virus after 14 days. Either way it's been passed on.

There really isn't any pressure for it to get less dangerous.


riotousgrowlz t1_j26pohv wrote

There is pressure for it to not kill hosts before they are able to infect others though.


Gemberts t1_j27mpch wrote

Right - and if the period where you're contagious the most is before you're symptomatic, there is functionally no pressure not to kill the host. No pressure to kill it either. No pressure either way, and we keep flipping that coin, hoping it lands heads.


what_mustache t1_j2eaggi wrote

Yeah, which has nothing to do with covid. Covid never killed the host that quickly, there was never pressure for it to get less dangerous.


psychonaut11 t1_j26obsx wrote

Wouldn’t that mean all viruses should eventually mutate into harmless but fast spreading illnesses? Or is that something specific of coronaviruses?