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gubbygub t1_j2lcm5t wrote

is the JWST able to/going to take a shot of the CMB? would be neat to have it alongside the others


gambloortoo t1_j2ledmv wrote

JWST is tuned to detect infrared light. Microwaves, the 'M' in CMB, are just too long of a wavelength for JWST unfortunately. It might be able to do a similar survey and find other data but it won't see the same CMB.


ChrisARippel t1_j2lf4jo wrote

JWST infrared filters can't see the CMB microwave radiation.

  • JWST infrared filters range from 0.6 to 28.5 micrometers wavelength

  • CMB microwave radiation = 1.9 millimeters wavelength.

  • 1.9 millimeters = 1,900 micrometers
