
JarasM t1_ixtx6fp wrote

I don't see people doing that without a quarantine, especially since the difference between that and a quarantine is very subtle.

Plus, I imagine this wouldn't work well. Okay, after a packed event you're supposed to avoid crowds. So you individually meet several friends and infect them. None of them are inclined to quarantine, since they haven't been to any packed events like you, so they're free to go to any packed events they choose. They go and spread the virus just the same as if you'd go. To make a dent to overall infection rates you need to mask up and limit packed events altogether.


JarasM t1_iuhymyp wrote

How can he sincerely apologize for something he himself doesn't remember and apparently the other party couldn't explain well themselves? If I remembered being an asshole to somebody I'd feel bad and apologize profusely because I am a nonconfrontational person that is terrified of the thought of someone thinking badly of me, but if I learned of an event that is simply described as offensive which I don't remember, I too would just say something shallow like "I'm sorry if I offended you somehow".