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TheDanishThede t1_j95m6od wrote

If not for sits, why made of warm?


FalseTebibyte t1_j96vehv wrote

Its symbolism from the Cats.

All of the Men in this instance who have seen this clip with me should be cracking the cold ones open and celebrating.


RfnStar987 t1_j9691sa wrote

I love how cats go “hmm, you seem to have made a mistake, I’m definitely going to do the thing you just tried to stop me from doing 🤷‍♂️”


CategoryMistake t1_j96e627 wrote

According to tradition, the Prophet Muhammad once cut the sleeve off of his robe rather than disturb the cat sleeping on it. Love of cats has deep roots in Islam.


journeyman28 t1_j96jvoz wrote

Isn't there an important figure in Islam known by Abu hurayra? He was known to always have his cat around him.


He was known by the kunyah Abu Hurayrah "Father of a Kitten", in reference to his attachment to cats, and he was a member of Suffah. Later during the caliphate era, Abu Hurairah served as an ‘Ālim, governor, soldier, and Hadith auditor.


Cripton86 t1_j96o6yr wrote

This is the cutest thing I've heard all day omg


Isasel t1_j96t6ri wrote

Actually the name translates to "Father of cats", but Father of kitten is also an acceptable translation


jemahAeo OP t1_j972v9v wrote

hello friend, i'm Arab and the correct translation is father of the kitten/ little cat. Huraira means little cat, he had a kitten that used to stay in his sleeve and got the nickname

google translate link


[deleted] t1_j977lw1 wrote



jemahAeo OP t1_j97a74k wrote

little boys and gals guarded our grain silos from pests for thousands of years all the while being soft and cuddly and clean, humans had no chance


[deleted] t1_j97x3si wrote



jemahAeo OP t1_j99b4f2 wrote

I have a cat that i never gave her a shower for 2 years (she is indoor and it is advised to not give them showers as long as they are indoor and shorthair) and she smells divine, the white of her fur is so white, now imagine a human or dog that hasn't taken a shower for 1 month?

Cat spent half their waking time cleaning themselves


CrabEnthusist t1_j96l4oq wrote

Isn't there also an apocryphal story that says a cat killed a poisonous snake that was about to bite the Prophet?


MotownCatMom t1_j96p08j wrote

Yes, I have read that cats were much beloved by the Prophet Muhammad.


capricabuffy t1_j96ltmc wrote

I heard that Muhammad pet the cat with his fingers creating the "fur pattern line " you see on most cats foreheads.


Capital-Meet-6521 t1_j984z13 wrote

I read that it was the Virgin Mary; that’s why it’s why it looks like an “M.”


Fzrit t1_j97id0x wrote

> Love of cats has deep roots in Islam.

And hatred of dogs, sadly :(


SkyGG t1_j97s1ne wrote

Not really hatred, there's that hadith about a prostitute being forgiven for her sins because she gave water to a thirsty dog.

But yeah in general islam believes that cats are clean/pure creatures while dogs are not so you can only have a dog as a pet if needed for things like seeing eye dogs or guard dogs or for hunting.


AmirulAshraf t1_j9814fn wrote

FTFY Islam doesnt teach towards hatred of dogs


Fzrit t1_j985fy1 wrote

Well for whatever reason, dogs are greatly stigmatized and seen as impure while cats are completely fine.


GreatBen8010 t1_j98gtlb wrote

It varies with region. Iirc Turkey muslims don't hate dogs.


AmirulAshraf t1_j98ih4f wrote

The part of dogs being impure (their saliva and when they are wet, for the most part) is in the teaching, you are right about that. However, we are allowed to give love to dogs too, especially since they are a useful animal in safeguarding your house and livestocks.

I would say the stigmatisation or avoidance of dogs among Muslim would come down to the fact that if one were to touch a dog, you would have to wash the part of your body/clothes that touched the dog with special steps called sertu (as oppose to just running with clean water).

God knows best when He commanded that and thats reason enough for most of the believers.


Timelymanner t1_j97cmwt wrote

Cats are loved, but dogs are hated.


SkyGG t1_j97s5au wrote

Not hated but can't have them as pets unless needed


Nlkz-00 t1_j95zcte wrote

I miss Al-Madinah, hope I can visit it again someday (the location in the video)


Kasure t1_j963rek wrote

I almost thought this was in Mecca


pakipunk t1_j97day8 wrote

Naw I think that’s Masjid Al Navi in Madina


CleaveIshallnot t1_j97sl70 wrote

Worldly people sharing knowledge of their experiences & truths are a good part of life.

Thank you.


[deleted] t1_j95z9gi wrote



OutragedTux t1_j95zp40 wrote

We need more news of people being people alongside cats being cats. Humanising and cat-ising the world is what's needed.


IfElseWhileFor t1_j96ldul wrote

Congrats, you're the only asshole in the thread that made this about politics.


[deleted] t1_j96ny4s wrote



butt3rnut____ t1_j96koep wrote

That’s your cat now. You don’t have a choice. Bring it home. It’s yours now


RandomArt444 t1_j95k3gn wrote

Humans are the best pillows


3pbc t1_j95lykq wrote

I choose you Pikachu


LaylaTheMeower t1_j95mzft wrote



[deleted] t1_j97bexw wrote



LaylaTheMeower t1_j997j3b wrote

Exactly, Ash gave Pikachu protection / food. So Pikachu agreed to adopt Ash.


[deleted] t1_j99ft8j wrote



LaylaTheMeower t1_j99fxie wrote

I mean damn it Pikachu must own a whole region now, with the amount of Pokemon he recruited.

Maybe Pikachu is planning to take over the world, and install himself as the king of all Pokemon, superior to humans.


SHANKUMS11 t1_j96mu64 wrote

Congratulations, ma’am. You have been adopted.


azpilot06 t1_j95rozm wrote

That one time you didn’t realize that a video of you would go viral on social media…and you scratched your butt…a lot.


needsomelovings t1_j96ypt3 wrote

I was scared to look at the comments after seeing her hijab and the responses to wholesome posts I’ve seen that feature Muslims but I’m so pleasantly surprised!!


parchmentandpencils t1_j9780zp wrote

Same! Im kind of just waiting for the other shoe to drop as i scroll through the comments


CleaveIshallnot t1_j97twq6 wrote

I'm saddened to know that a fellow human feared posts due to the (inconsequential, I wish) hijab & had to be surprised there wasn't a bunch of hate & insults.

While rational, justified & thus completely understandable - that still just undeservedly sucks.

Hopefully such things will change. Eventually.

Meanwhile, ✌🏽✌🏼✌🏿


comacove t1_j964xgy wrote

the cat has spoken


Cadbury_fish_egg t1_j96uu0q wrote

That kind of cat is always so clingy! The ones with black fur and white paws/nose. I love them


[deleted] t1_j96l0ii wrote

I guess she has a cat now.


Large_Path1424 t1_j97uim4 wrote

It is in the Rubiyat that Omar Khyam cut the sleeve off his robe rather than disturb a cat sleeping there. They own us.


LauraLove4439 t1_j96wony wrote

Well that cat has adopted her as it's owner.


SaudR t1_j9705tq wrote

Mecca best place on earth.


kate__solar t1_j97cyb5 wrote

She has such a beautiful smile


ialwaysplayhealer t1_j978k7m wrote

I work with a few kids from Muslim families. One of the main techs working with the kid called me worried because mom was doing prayers, and the kid decided to jump on her back and play with her.

Had to reassure her that if anything those kinds of interruptions would be considered a further blessing - and I basically cited how cats are revered animals in Muslim cultures. And cats are the undisputed champions of interrupting you at the most inconvenient moments.


Skeldrythe t1_j97d5sj wrote

Typical tuxedo behavior...


Seraph782 t1_j97fcrn wrote

She has been Chosen. Deal with it lol.


Fzrit t1_j97k24q wrote

For those wondering why the cat suddenly tried to bite her, watch the tail flickering back and forth. That means excessive stimulation (i.e. too much petting :P) and the cat is basically saying "ok that's enough, I'm getting mildly annoyed, just let me sit".


TSIDATSI t1_j97qon0 wrote

Mama. You are my mother!


mukwah t1_j98qpn2 wrote

The prophet Muhammed once had a cat fall asleep on his cloak so he cut that part off to avoid waking it


Mr_Frible t1_j96n339 wrote

Exactly how my eve behaves


elucify t1_j973a24 wrote

Some say she’s still there


Jayhawk501 t1_j9790zl wrote

I guess that cat is that persons now


Bumblebean123 t1_j97fb33 wrote

Started watching this, and my then black and white cat jumped into my lap at the same time that one did.


free2bme51 t1_j97giev wrote

Just take the kitty home🥰


Key_Interview3226 t1_j97m87p wrote

Your lap is very warm, and your scarf can offer me protection😆


000McKing t1_j97tl5i wrote

masha'Allah sister Minnie


HenryGrosmont t1_j985gda wrote

Cats are almost sacred for Muslims. I aporove.


Known_Noise t1_j98a1ox wrote

I feel like this belongs in r/cathostage except this woman doesn’t know she’s a hostage (yet)


MisterJose t1_j98aa8d wrote

Congratulations! You have gained one (1) cats.


d3dk0w t1_j995kzs wrote

I have a black and white cat that does the same thing to me, sometimes he gets so fussy with me trying to remove him that I have to get my husband to pick him up and of course he hates that too.


ColdyPhoenix001 t1_j99ylpy wrote

How she gonna pray if that cat is gonna sit there long time?


darrenwise883 t1_j9a1ejx wrote

If I wanted to be over there I'd be over there .


Firm-Roof-3133 t1_j9a3v7j wrote

Thats her cat now. I don't make the rules but she has been chosen 😂


caocaomengde t1_j9bc7kv wrote

What she's doing is haram. The prophet (PBUH) cut the sleeve of his robe off before waking up a sleeping cat.

(I'm not serious. But that is an actual Muslim story about the Prophet's love of cats)


goliathfasa t1_j9blebr wrote



mushroom_l0rd t1_j9d2gf0 wrote

the only time you move a cat off of you is if not doing it would put you in danger


[deleted] t1_j9fjk9w wrote

My little baby is the exact same way. 😄


1rbryantjr1 t1_j96m9nf wrote

They have rugs on the sidewalk? And cats?


Secludeddawn t1_j96r5yu wrote

It's a mosque. Likely Medina. There's like a bunch of resident cats who live there because there's no shortage of food, water and boops


hawklost t1_j998mdm wrote

No one Has cats, they are allowed to house the cat at its discretion. /s


DiabloStorm t1_j96x0cr wrote

People always misinterpret a cat's desire for warmth as affection.
