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inkseep1 t1_iy4cj7z wrote

There is a dragon standing at the edge of the cliff.

I knock it off the cliff with my paw.

. . . . Roll for dexterity.

Nat 20.

knocks all dice off table.


LifeBuilder t1_iy4m6hm wrote

“You arrive at the shop”

“I negotiate for better armor”

“Roll for Charisma”

rolls a 1

“You show the shop keep your butthole”


[deleted] t1_iy520q2 wrote



AnAlpacaIsJudgingYou t1_iy549bw wrote

Underrated comment


[deleted] t1_iy53lhn wrote



MrLuxarina t1_iy546i1 wrote

(DM internally): Yay! One of my players remembered that the "shove" action exists!


drexsu t1_iy6k9my wrote

You deal .... (double checks the amount of dice), 120 points of damage. 85pts fall damage plus 35 pts critical sneak attack. The target is now stunned and prone for the next round.