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charmcitymermer24 t1_j9t1ce9 wrote

I grew up in the Hereford zone and these were the very best days (sorry :/) since we didn’t have to make them up - but I will say one attempt at driving the roads out there with even the smallest amount of snow or ice and you’ll understand. My bus ride home was only possible with the most skilled driver on a good day - roads are incredibly narrow, winding, and hilly and having a giant yellow bus navigate these with snow is asking for disaster. Also the Hereford zone is quite massive and being north, we tended to get the worst of most storms at least somewhere in the Zone

If it makes you feel any better though we often lived very far from friends so we didn’t usually get to play with each other on these days


finnknit t1_j9t56qr wrote

Did you know anyone who went to a magnet school somewhere else in Baltimore county? My high school was a magnet school and kids were bussed in from Hereford. I don't think I ever though about what would happen if our school was open, but schools in the Hereford zone were closed.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j9uffl2 wrote

Not just north, but away from water and on a plateau. Basically a “hey snowstorm, dump right here” sign