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Neat_Young331 t1_j9vdjkh wrote

WTF does poverty have to do with people not using turn signals!?!?


[deleted] t1_j9vvtue wrote



daedelous t1_j9x2mlv wrote

I’d be curious what countries/cultures those studies looked at. Poverty in one country can look a lot more anti-social than in another. You can’t blame it entirely on poverty.


[deleted] t1_j9wdsaf wrote



sxswnxnw t1_j9w76r7 wrote

I grew up in a very poor southern state. People there use signals waaaay more than anyone in Baltimore or Maryland. From hoopties to high end cars, it doesn't matter. Marylanders drive like they are alone on Earth.

People use signals here, it's a notable event. Give that mofo a damn plaque.

If you can keep your signal on until your maneuver is completed?! Be still, my heart.


TheSocialistApple t1_j9y4f3d wrote

So, ya know how lead paint will fuck up your brain?

And like how having terrible nutrition will screw up your cognitive development?

And did you ever stop to think how poor neighborhoods have bad schools?

And seriously now, you really could have spent two seconds thinking about this.


Neat_Young331 t1_j9yx2lt wrote

Again…WTF does poverty have to do with turn signals…there are a bunch of pompous assholes driving cars who think they own the road because they drive luxury cars weaving in and out of traffic for the fuck of it..point me to these ridiculous studies or is this your implicit bias/stereotype based on demographics? There are a lot of inconsiderate idiots (poor, working class and rich) making bad or absent minded decisions driving cars.


[deleted] t1_j9zhbwk wrote

Big yikes to the baltimore subreddit that this is getting downvoted. And I await my downvotes.


[deleted] t1_j9ywhjh wrote

Sounds like the real culprit would then be 1) lack of accountability and persecution of slum lords for being slum lords, 2) lack of appropriate urban planning and resourcing neighborhoods and schools to have proper food, 3) lack of investment in public school students and teachers. Blaming poverty low-key just blames the poor people, not the greater structure that keeps poverty as a permanent fixture.


gaytee t1_j9wvlcg wrote

Studies suggest that the less well off you are financially the more you’re likely to focus all of your efforts on not being homeless and feeding your kids.

This starts with apathetic acts such as lack of turn signals, but then trickles into things like property crime and robbery.